Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Trump administration makes its latest move to tighten immigration rules amid pandemic
The Trump administration began releasing details of which businesses received Paycheck Protection Program loans.
A previsão do mercado financeiro para a queda da economia brasileira este ano foi ajustada de 6,54% para 6,50%. A estimativa de recuo do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) – a soma de todos os bens e serviços produzidos no país – está no boletim Focus, publicação divulgada todas as semanas ...
LEADERSHIP : Int bid to prepare leaders to handle the challenges of the post COVID-19 era, renowned leadership expert, Linus Okorie convened the GOTNI Global Leadership Training with the theme: “Facing the Future Without Fear: Leading in Uncertain Times.” The well-attended 2-day training saw leaders and aspiring leaders,business professionals and entrepreneurs ...
Uncertainty has become part of the new normal, it seems. On the one hand, we know that the pandemic is easing. But on the other, we’re not certain if it’s going to pick up again and disrupt our lives once more. While we might be more prepared this time, another ...
US utility moves towards cleaner energy as Warren Buffett digs deeper into fossil fuels
Thiès, 4 juil (APS) - La région de Thiès a enregistré ce vendredi 25 cas positifs au coronavirus, indiquent les autorités médicales dans un communiqué. Thiès, 4 juil (APS) - La région de Thiès a enregistré ce vendredi 25 cas positifs au coronavirus, indiquent les autorités médicales dans un communiqué. ‘'Sur 319 ...
In the shadow of annexation, the embodiment of power prevailing over justice and international law, I am running out of counter-arguments. This is how Israel is losing America
Amerika se může uzavřít kvůli nesmyslným obviněním z rasismu úplně do sebe. Vinu mají elity, které nejen v USA selhávají. „Ocitáme se uprostřed kulturní války,“ říká v rozhovoru pro LN europoslanec, exšéf české diplomacie a signatář Charty 77 Alexandr Vondra (ODS).
Der US-Musiker gehört mit seiner Band Chicago zu den Großen im Rock-Business. Am US-Nationalfeiertag, dem 4. Juli, geben sie immer ein Konzert. Nicht in diesem Jahr. Robert Lamm über Trump, Corona und Black Lives Matter.
The European Commission launched an infringement procedure on July 2 against 10 member states for breaking EU law on air passenger rights.
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The president of Paraguay, Mario Abdo Benitez, opened the first virtual summit of Mercosur presidents and party states on Thursday, due to the coronavirus pandemic. On that day, Paraguay handed over the bloc's pro-tempore presidency to Uruguay. "For Paraguay, Mercosur is the cornerstone . . ...
While traditional unemployment insurance usually leaves out students, they may be eligible for federal pandemic aid. But some states don’t make it easy to get.
'You posted that there would be a demonstration. It's against the law,' officer tells Bnei Brak man, despite High Court ruling that states otherwise. The planned demonstration against discrimination of the ultra-Orthodox community did not take place eventually
Het Amerikaanse postbedrijf FedEx heeft aan de eigenaren van de American Footballclub Washington Redskins gevraagd om de clubnaam te veranderen. De raam Redskins (roodhuiden) verwijst naar de oorspronkelijke bewoners van het Amerikaanse continent en wordt in de VS beschouwd als kwetsend.
The electric carmaker’s deliveries fell only modestly as sales in China and other overseas markets nearly made up for lost sales in the United States.
Usa, è record posti di lavoro: +4,8 milioni a giugno, con il tasso di disoccupazione che si attesta all'11,1%. Numeri record, si è trattato dell'aumento mensile maggiore della...
Since the coronavirus shut the city down, the number of sales in Manhattan dropped 54 percent and the median price fell to $1 million.
Solo una promessa i 3 milioni di visti offerti dal governo britannico. Avanza negli Usa la proposta di legge che sanziona le banche
FBI reports record background checks since the start of the pandemic and George Floyd protests
Minutes from the Federal Reserve’s June meeting show that officials remained seriously concerned, even as states reopened.