Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
OPINION: The Avatar crew have a gift for us in their carry on luggage: a billion dollar booster shot for the economy.
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Cuba's central bank now extends the use of currency accounts to foreigners. The regulation applies to individuals with temporary residence permits, such as foreign students, professionals, entrepreneurs and other groups, although this is not possible with a tourist visa. The accounts can be held in ...
Foreign capital flight raises red flags over Latin America’s largest economy
US president has raised the prospect of using a civil war-era law to call out troops
Iran’s foreign minister said on June 2 that a plane had taken off from arch-foe the United States carrying scientist Sirous Asgari after his apparent release from a U.S. prison.
Em um dia de movimentos contraditórios no mercado financeiro, a bolsa de valores fechou no maior valor em três meses, mas o dólar enfrentou volatilidade. A moeda norte-americana aproximou-se de R$ 5,40, o que fez o Banco Central (BC) intervir no câmbio. O Ibovespa, índice da B3 (bolsa de valores brasileira), ...
O superávit comercial de maio teria crescido 42,4% não fosse a nacionalização de duas plataformas de petróleo no total de US$ 2,7 bilhões, disse há pouco o secretário de Comércio Exterior do Ministério da Economia, Lucas Ferraz. Sem essas operações, o superávit no mês passado teria atingido cerca de US$ ...
Depois de subir em abril, a balança comercial começou a sentir os efeitos da pandemia de coronavírus e registrou contração em maio. No mês passado, o país exportou US$ 4,548 bilhões a mais do que importou, queda de 19,1% em relação ao resultado positivo de US$ 5,624 bilhões de maio ...
Even if Osama were to get an entry permit into Israel, how realistic would it be for us to move to Tel Aviv based on something temporary that doesn’t even allow him to get health insurance or drive a car? | Post #14
Major U.S. cities feared another night of violent protests on May 31 over the death of George Floyd in police custody, cleaning up broken glass and burned out cars after curfews failed to stop confrontations between activists and law enforcement.
The Stock Exchange of Thailand index and other Southeast Asian markets rose on Monday after US President Donald Trump left the trade deal with China intact despite escalating tensions over Hong Kong's autonomy, with signs of a gradual recovery in the Chinese economy also helping sentiment.
Sales have risen 24% month on month and 450% since last August
A previsão do mercado financeiro para a queda da economia brasileira este ano chegou a 6,25%. Essa foi a 16ª revisão seguida para a estimativa de recuo do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) – a soma de todos os bens e serviços produzidos no país. Na semana passada, a previsão de ...
Shares rise 3% despite Washington’s decision to revoke finance hub’s special trading status
They've connected us to our culture, improved our health and helped our youngest and most vulnerable.Today, five New Zealanders are our newest dames and knights, among 178 Kiwis whose contributions - across the arts, health, business,...
With the coronavirus still spreading, social gatherings like the sailing trip organised by students are on hold
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The São Paulo Prosecutor's Office (MP-SP) has lifted the bank confidentiality of Brazil's Environment Minister, Ricardo Salles, and uncovered millions of reais of transfers in his accounts. The MP-SP is now seeking to push forward investigations into fraud and money laundering. The Minister transferred R$2.75 ...
Hidden in the grim data are hints of recovery from the pandemic recession
Em um dia marcado pelo alívio perto do encerramento das negociações, a moeda norte-americana caiu, e a bolsa de valores subiu. O dólar comercial encerrou esta sexta-feira (29) vendido a R$ 5,34, com pequeno recuo de R$ 0,046 (-0,85%). A divisa caiu 4,19% na semana e 1,79% em maio. Esta ...
President also says US will withdraw from World Health Organization over pandemic response
New York City could start reopening on June 8, the governor said. Economists say that the path ahead for the economy is wildly uncertain. The House has trimmed its summer schedule.