• Moody's warns of UK downgrade if Brexit deal weakens growth

    Britain was warned Wednesday that it will have its credit rating cut if the country fails to get a good-enough deal on access to the European single market during its upcoming negotiations to leave the European Union.More than four months after Britain voted to leave the EU, the terms of ...

  • Konrad Mizzi apology not enough to restore Malta's reputation - de Marco

    Minister Konrad Mizzi's apology over his involvement in the Panama Papers is not enough for Malta to reclaim its untarnished reputation, Nationalist Party deputy leader Mario de Marco told Parliament this morning.  Prime Minister Joseph Muscat mishandled the Panama Papers issue to the extent that it not only dampened Dr Mizzi's ...

  • The tease without the sleaze

    The sultry, sensual world of burlesque is set to take over the theatre space at Saint James Cavalier, Valletta, as a fully-fledged burlesque show starring Malta's leading burlesque dancer Undine Le Verve and a number of foreign artists will be held in November as part of this season's Spazju Kreattiv ...

  • Japan demands talks with U.K. government over Brexit strategy

    Japan warned British Prime Minister Theresa May that her government must improve its communications about Brexit, or risk endangering inward investment in the U.K. Days after May pulled out the stops to persuade Nissan Motor Co. to continue building cars at its plant in Sunderland, northeast England, the Japanese ambassador ...

  • Regno Unito, l'industria perde slancio a ottobre

    (Teleborsa) - Si deteriora il quadro dell'attività industriale in Regno Unito a ottobre. Secondo gli ultimi dati del PMI manifatturiero, l'indice che sintetizza le aspettative dei direttori...

  • Maltese visual effects company brings 15th century Florence to life in Rai Uno’s ‘I Medici’

    Stargate Studios Malta: tell me about how it all began.The company started as ‘The Bigger Picture’ some 12 years ago, and it was founded by Matthew Pullicino and me as a production company.  Over the years we produced high-end television commercials, short films and other audiovisual projects, predominantly for the ...

  • Business: Tips from a ‘Mindful' brain to help you become more productive

    It seems like a turbo-charged irony that when Debbie Jeremiah was the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Ferrari United Kingdom (UK), it was yoga and meditation that helped her to stay on track.

  • There can be no humanitarian solution to the conflict in Yemen - UN relief chief

    Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Country: YemenThis humanitarian catastrophe in "Yemen is a man-made disaster, where conflict has exacerbated and exponentially increased the suffering of the 50 per cent of the Yemeni population," Mr. O'Brien to the Security Council. Mr. President, There can be no humanitarian solution to ...

  • Justice Minister reveals €310,300,500 generated from controversial IIP scheme

    Justice Minister Owen Bonnici revealed that the controversial Individual Investment Programme has generated €310,300,500 for Malta. He assured the public that this money will be enjoyed by all, and not just a few.Dr Bonnici said this during the budget estimate speech for his portfolio of culture, justice and local government.In ...

  • Carney ready to serve full term at Bank of England

    Governor sees role helping economy through Brexit in move that will defy Tory critics

  • Editorial: The right decision… in the end

    Malta’s constitutional neutrality is being increasingly called into question these days – from the country’s arguably correct stance during the Libyan revolution to the surveillance missions that have purportedly been undertaken by French forces, as revealed this week after their ‘spy plane’ went down in a ball of flames over ...

  • Stefano Mallia appointed on Brexit Advisory Group by European employers

    Stefano Mallia has been appointed by the Employers Group within the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) as one of three rapporteurs on the Brexit Advisory Group. The Group has been tasked to monitor and report on Brexit as the process continues to unfold. The other 2 members of the ...

  • The Asian contribution to Kenya’s politics and economic development

    I was called to Bar here in London just over 55 years ago. June 16, 1959, to be precise by Lincoln’s Inn. A few weeks later I returned to Kenya. The big law firms then were all European and before independence it was their stated policy not to accept Asian ...

  • Court grants €5,000 as compensation to journalist who was imprisoned

    The First Hall of the Civil Court in its Constitutional jurisdiction has granted €5,000 in compensation to a former editor of the newspaper called "In-Niggieza", after he was jailed through criminal libel proceedings back in the 1970sOn September 20, 1973, criminal procedures were initiated against Joseph Calleja, who was the ...

  • Joanna Spiteri appointed chief executive officer of the Broadcasting Authority

    Dr Joanna Spiteri has been appointed as chief executive officer of the Broadcasting Authority. She replaces Pierre Cassar.In 1998 Ms Joanna Spiteri was conferred a BA (Hons) degree in Communication Studies by the University of Malta with her main dissertation focusing on the changes in Maltese print journalism since the ...

  • AURODA: Nigeria arts exhibition holds in UK

    An art exhibition by the Nigeria Arts Society UK entitled AURORA  is on in  London. The exhibition which commenced on October 13 will last till 29th. The work of seventeen artists are on display. According to the the President of the Society, Hassan Aliyu, the promotion of one’s cultural identity in ...

  • Broadcasting Authority gets new CEO

    Joanne Spiteri has been appointed as the new chief executive officer of the Broadcasting Authority. Her appointment follows Pierre Cassar's resignation earlier this year. Ms Spiteri graduated in Communication Studies in 1998 and worked as a journalist before joining the Broadcasting Authroity as a supervisor in the programme monitoring department. During her tenure, ...

  • British economy grows more than expected after Brexit vote

    Britain's economy grew faster than expected in the three months after its vote to leave the European Union, despite concern that uncertainty would weigh on business activity.The Office of National Statistics said Thursday that the economy grew by a quarterly rate of 0.5 percent in the July-September period thanks in ...

  • Regno Unito, l'economia snobba la Brexit, PIL accelera nel 3° trimestre

    (Teleborsa) - L'economia britannica continua a crescere ed a un ritmo più veloce rispetto ai trimestri precedenti, nonostante i rischi posti dalla Brexit, l'uscita del Paese dall'UE decisa con...

  • Wardens to employ 'education approach' on smoking ban in cars with children

    Wardens will be employing an "education approach" when the new law banning smoking in cars with children as passengers comes into force on 1 January, warden service operator Kenneth De Martino said yesterday.In comments to The Malta Independent, he said enforcement on the ban on smoking in cars with children ...

  • Heathrow gets nod for new runway

    LONDON: Britain yesterday gave Heathrow Airport the green light to build a new $22 billion runway, ending 25 years of indecision and vowing to boost global trade links following the vote to leave the European Union.