• Ending contract with KLM could have saved KQ Sh26bn

    Kenya Airways management could have ended the KLM partnership earlier to save the airline from last year’s Sh26 billion losses, the National Assembly Transport Committee was told yesterday. The International Air Transport Association told legislators KQ management failed to evaluate financial benefit from the KLM partnership so it could not ...

  • Alfred Sant's report on EU’s economic priorities approved

    A  report on the EU’s economic priorities for 2017 presented by Maltese MEP Alfred Sant was adopted by the Committee for Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament (ECON). The report was prepared against a backdrop of low domestic investments, a lower than expected growth forecast, economic uncertainty deriving ...

  • SoftBank and Saudi plan $100bn tech fund

    London-based partnership shows continued appetite for the sector

  • Alfred Sant's report on EU economic priorities approved by Econ

    A  report on the EU’s economic priorities for 2017 presented by former Prime Minister Alfred Sant was adopted by the Committee for Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament (ECON). The report was prepared against a backdrop of low domestic investments, a lower than expected growth forecast, economic uncertainty deriving ...

  • Four Maltese companies implicated in €130 million Italian tax scam

    Four Maltese companies have been implicated in what the Italian authorities are describing as a ‘gigantic carousel fraud’, the Vicenza Guardia di Finanza reported yesterday.  The scam, which was perpetrated through 145 Italian companies and 35 companies outside of Italy, four of which were in Malta, saw €130 million being ...

  • EU chief vows no compromise as UK heads for hard exit

    European Union chief Donald Tusk vowed Thursday not to compromise on EU principles in negotiating Britain's departure from the bloc and warned that London is heading for a hard exit."Our task will be to protect the interests of the EU as a whole and each of the 27 member states," ...

  • Hard Brexit will cost UK tens of billions a year, ministers are told

    Treasury coffers will take a £66 billion (€73bn) annual hit if Britain goes for a so-called hard Brexit, Cabinet ministers have been warned. Leaked government papers suggest leaving the single market and switching to World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules would cause GDP to fall by up to 9.5 per cent compared with ...

  • France says UK has 'moral duty' to take Calais migrant children

    France's interior minister says Britain has a "moral duty" to take in all children with family links to the UK who are living in a border refugee camp on the French side of the English Channel.Bernard Cazeneuve made the comments on RTL radio Monday, ahead of a London meeting with ...

  • Unprepared British consumers face Brexit-driven price squeeze

    Any British shoppers tempted by Apple’s new iPhone are having to dig deeper into their pockets after June’s Brexit vote as the US tech giant raised the sterling price by £60 (€66.81) when the model went on sale last month. While US customers will pay the same as last year, the ...

  • Borders in Europe will threaten internal market – EU Commission Vice-President

    What are the main challenges Malta will face during the EU Council Presidency?In my experience with presidencies, there are three things that matter: what items are still on the agenda, what you want to add to the agenda, and events.Fifty per cent of it is dominated by events and, in ...

  • William Hill and Amaya in talks to create $4.6bn betting giant

    UK bookmaker would acquire world’s largest poker business in reverse takeover

  • Madonna couldn't decide whether to be a nun or a film star

    A job application from an unknown Madonna hoping for a starring role in an erotic thriller drew applause from literature lovers tonight. The 19-year-old was a drummer in 1978 and keen to make headlines in the movies when she wrote a covering letter asking to appear in A Certain Sacrifice - ...

  • DiscountIF wins start-up competition hosted by Deltatre, Chelsea FC and SKY

    DiscountIF continues to make waves in the sporting world after a successful conference at Soccerex 2016 last week; the London born and Maltese based start-up was also selected as one of the finalists for this year’s Leaders Sports Tech Start-up competition.The Leaders Sports Tech Start-up Competition showcases start-up companies with cutting-edge ...

  • Andrea Pirlo says Malta midfielder is the toughest opponent he's ever faced

    Former Italy star Andrea Pirlo says that Malta midfielder Andre Schembri is the toughest midfielder he has ever faced in competitive football, The Mirror reports.Schembri will be lining up for Malta’s match against England today, and British media is extensively reporting the build-up towards the game.In The Mirror article, Pirlo ...

  • Brexit's financial implications should be highlighted - Alfred Sant

    Maltese MEP Alfred Sant called on the EU Institutions that are involved in the negotiations on Brexit, to be as clear as possible towards the EU citizens on the challenges and problems that the Brexit negotiators will be tackling. It is therefore very important to start discussing the internal arrangements ...

  • UK leader May vows centrist government after European Union exit 'revolution'

    U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May laid out the shape, if not the detail, of her vision for Britain on Wednesday, saying government should play a bigger role in people's lives than it has under some of her Conservative predecessors.May told the Conservative Party's annual conference that she would govern from "the new ...

  • Bank of Valletta renews its support for opera Carmen at the Aurora

    Bank of Valletta will be supporting Bizet’s grand opera Carmen at the Teatru Aurora. This wasannounced during a press conference which was addressed by the Mr Mario Mallia, the Bank’s Chief Executive Officer, Dr Michael Caruana, the President of SocjetaFilarmonika Leone and the PR & Events Officer at Teatru Aurora ...

  • Virtu Ferries invests €75m in cutting-edge technology high-speed wave-piercer catamaran

    Virtu Ferries has signed a newbuild contract with Incat Tasmania Pty. Ltd. to build a High Speed Wavepiercer Passenger/Vehicle Catamaran for their Malta – Sicily route. Delivery is scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2018, the company said in a statement today.At 1,000 tons deadweight, the vessel will be the largest ...

  • Algeria leading the way in fight against violent extremism

    ALGIERS- Algeria is "leading the way" in the fight against violent extremism, the most important challenge in the 21st century, said Thursday in Algiers the UK Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Minister for the Middle East and Africa, Tobias Ellwood. "It is ...

  • Sellal receives Tobias Ellwood

    ALGIERS- Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal has received, Thursday in Algiers, UK Minister for the Middle East and Africa Tobias Ellwood, said the Prime Minister Office in a communiqué. Ellwood was accompanied by the British Prime Minister's special envoy for economic partnership with Algeria, Lord Risby. During the audience, the ...

  • Merkel risponde da Berlino a May: niente accesso a mercato comune senza libera circolazione persone in GB

    (Teleborsa) - Brexit: toni aspri a distanza tra Cancelliere tedesco e Premier britannico. Theresa May a Londra aveva appena annunciato al Congresso dei Conservatori l'intenzione di limitare l'accesso...