• Renzi loses referendum and quits; Italian populists seek quick vote to win power

    Italian voters dealt Premier Matteo Renzi a stinging defeat on his reforms referendum, triggering his resignation announcement and galvanizing the populist, opposition 5-Star Movement's determination to gain national power soon."I lost, and the post that gets eliminated is mine," Renzi said early Monday about an hour after the polls closed. ...

  • Scotland bans smoking in cars with children

    A new law comes into force in Scotland on Monday banning smoking in cars when children are present, as part of the government’s plans for a “tobacco-free generation”. Under the law smokers face a £100 ($127, €119) on-the-spot fine if caught lighting up in a private vehicle where under-18s are ...

  • Most pharmaceutical importers preparing to bring in Morning After Pill

    While most pharmaceutical suppliers are preparing to bring the morning-after pill to the shelves of Maltese pharmacies, there is a degree of concern as to how the issue of pharmacists who, as a matter of conscience, feel that selling the MAP is against their religious or moral beliefs will be ...

  • Death threats and abuse for woman leading Brexit court fight

    Gina Miller is paying the price for going to court.The financial entrepreneur says she has received death threats and racial and sexual abuse since she won a High Court ruling forcing the British government to seek Parliamentary approval before leaving the European Union. She's hired bodyguards and made "different arrangements" ...

  • Updated: UK football sexual abuse hotline takes 860 calls in first week

    English soccer authorities are investigating whether clubs paid off victims of sexual abuse in return for their silence.English Football Association chief executive Martin Glenn said Thursday the body will take action against any club found guilty of "hushing up" victims of a growing scandal in British soccer."There has to be ...

  • Minister Abela announces task force dedicated to victim identification in disaster situations

    A task force which will see members from disciplined forces and other experts in the field join forces to expand the capabilites of an effective disaster response will soon be set up, Minister for Home Affairs Carmelo Abela announced today.Disaster Victim Identifcation Malta, or DVI Malta, will untie forces from ...

  • Incontro Gentiloni-Johnson. Dialogo su Brexit, crisi Libia e Siria e Balcani occidentali

    Il Ministro degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale Paolo Gentiloni ha incontrato oggi, a margine della Conferenza Rome Med 2016, il Foreign Secretary britannico Boris Johnson. Oltre alle prospettive legate al negoziato per l’uscita del Regno Unito dall’Unione Europea, i due Ministri...

  • Why Naira spike continues – Gwadabe

    The President, Association of Bureau De Change Operators of Nigeria , Alhaji Aminu Gwadabe, has identified speculation, hoarding and increasing zero confidence of foreign investors among others as the reason for the continued spike in the exchange rate. The ABCON chief also said that the existence of a Non-Derivable Forward ...

  • Bangladesh: Rohingya refugees trapped in limbo

    Source: Inter Press Service Country: Bangladesh, MyanmarThousands of minority Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine have fled, and are languishing along the Myanmar-Bangladesh border for lack of shelter and emergency supplies.By Mahfuzur Rahman DHAKA, Nov 30 2016 (IPS) - Amid growing persecution by Myanmar’s military, thousands of minority Rohingya Muslims in its western state ...

  • Uniting for peace in Syria: Global civil society appeal to UN Member States

    Source: Association for Aid and Relief Japan, Concern Worldwide, ActionAid, Human Appeal International, Amnesty International, GOAL, International Court of Justice, War Child UK, Norwegian Church Aid, Norwegian Refugee Council, CARE, Christian Aid, Mercy Corps, Human Rights Watch, People in Need, Solidarités International, Physicians for Human Rights, Oxfam, International Rescue Committee, ...

  • Air Malta to operate double daily flights to Munich, Rome and Catania next summer

    Air Malta is planning to operate 150 weekly flights to 29 destinations next summer. With this schedule, running from the 26th March till 28 October 2017, the Maltese airline is planning to carry 1.2 million passengers while continue operating with a fleet of eight aircraft similar to this year.Air Malta’s ...

  • New hospitals will be better than Mater Dei - Health Minister Chris Fearne

    Health Minister Chris Fearne is this morning addressing a business breakfast organized by The Malta Business Weekly in conjunction with the Health Ministry. The well-attended event is being held at the Portomaso Suite at the Hilton in St Julian’s. Mr Fearne outlined the government’s vision for the health sector and ...

  • "There are no limits or red lines left to cross" in Syria - UN relief chief

    Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Country: Syrian Arab Republic"It is vital that the Government of Syria enable us to deploy in safety, without undue restrictions, all essential international and national staff to Aleppo," O'Brien told the Security Council. New York, 30 November 2016 Mr. President, I ...

  • Brexit bargains lure shoppers to London

    London: While the prospect of Brexit is weighing on much of the British economy, tourism and luxury goods businesses are cashing in on bargain-hungry visitors lured by the slide in the pound.

  • First global fund to finance disaster response before it happens

    Source: Start Network Country: WorldAid agencies will be able to secure financial support in anticipation of flooding, a refugee exodus or other foreseeable emergencies from the Start Fund.Aid agencies will be enabled to tackle looming disasters before they have occurred, under a pioneering project being launched today by a fast-growing humanitarian ...

  • After failed talks, UK says solution in Cyprus ‘within reach with flexibility, creativity’

    A peaceful solution on the eastern Mediterranean island of Cyprus is within reach “with flexibility and creativity,” U.K. Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said before a visit to the island on Nov. 30.

  • Updated: UK denies 'have cake and eat it' note is Brexit policy

     The British government denies its strategy for exiting the European Union has been leaked through a set of handwritten notes suggesting the U.K.'s aim is to "have cake and eat it."In spite of its lofty ambition, the same document appears to concede that the government will have to quit the ...

  • Terrorism suspected in car-and-knife attack at Ohio State

    A Somali-born Ohio State University student plowed his car into a group of pedestrians on campus and then got out and began stabbing people with a butcher knife Monday before he was shot to death by a police officer. Police said they were investigating whether it was a terrorist attack.Eleven people were ...

  • Londra approva la costruzione di un nuovo grattacielo di 73 piani.

    Londra approva la costruzione di un nuovo grattacielo di 73 piani. L’edificio 1 Undershaft, già soprannominato “la grata” (trellis), sarà il secondo edificio più alto dell’Europa occidentale dopo lo Shard, un altro grattacielo londinese. Il progetto è dell’architetto Eric Parry e sarà costruito dalla Aroland holdings di Singapore. Il nuovo ...

  • Forex, la sterlina torna a soffrire il mal di Brexit

    (Teleborsa) - La Brexit impatterà negativamente l'economia della Gran Bretagna. Parole pronunciate dal Presidente della BCE, Mario Draghi, durante un'audizione davanti...

  • European decisions may not be in Malta's interests - Alfred Sant

    Decisions taken by the European Union in the next two and a half years may not be in Malta’s interests. Malta will be affected directly if the EU becomes a military union due to the island’s geographical position on the borders of the EU. Malta’s Constitution prohibits Malta to join ...