Hong Kong
Vai alla Scheda Paese »Do not let circumstances control you. You change your circumstances.
— Jackie Chan
Do not let circumstances control you. You change your circumstances.
— Jackie Chan
Il nuovo visto ha l'obiettivo di attrarre nella città-stato talenti giovani, qualificati e con alti redditi per contrastare gli effetti dell’emigrazione e della bassa natalità. Negli ultimi anni, Hong Kong ha assistito a un esodo senza precedenti di cittadini. Complici i disordini politici, la repressione dei movimenti pro-democrazia e le ...
Global funds sold a record amount of Chinese stocks. This made foreign investment in China’s stock market the lowest since last October. This was when China had strict COVID-19 rules. Many foreign fund managers doubt China’s new economic plans. In August, they sold US$12 billion of China’s stocks through Hong ...
Recuo em Hong Kong foi expressivo, de 2% As princi...
HONG KONG: China will require all mobile app providers in the country to file business details with the government, the information ministry said, announcing Beijing’s latest effort to keep the industry on a tight leash.
Nel territorio cinese crescono le azioni di “resistenza soft”, che provano a sfuggire alle maglie della legge sulla sicurezza nazionale imposta da Pechino. Ma le autorità non sono disposte a rischiare nuovi disordini. Leggi
The cost of expat pay packages in Singapore climbed 4% last year, while those for foreign workers in Hong Kong fell, according to a new study by expat consultancy ECA International.
Tens of thousands of high-skilled workers left to escape the city’s COVID-19 regime and limits imposed on freedoms after Beijing enacted a national security law ...
Il governo pone un freno alle esportazioni di componenti verso la Repubblica popolare cinese a partire da settembre: «Motivi di sicurezza»
À saída do tribunal, Choy disse a jornalistas estar feliz com a decisão, que sublinha a importância das liberdades de imprensa e de expressão, constitucionalmente protegidas, na região semiautónoma chinesa.
Levantamento feito pela Universidade de Hong Kong...
HONG KONG: Asian markets sank on Wednesday on worries that hardline Republicans could vote down a crucial bill to hike the US borrowing limit and risk a catastrophic default that could hammer an already fragile global economy.
A balança comercial brasileira apresentou, em abril, um superávit de US$ 8,225 bilhões, um crescimento de 5,5%, segundo dados divulgados nesta terça-feira (2) pela Secretaria Especial de Comércio Exterior e ...
Citigroup, the biggest foreign lender in Hong Kong, will increase staff at its commercial banking unit in the city by 100 to tap growing opportunities in the Greater Bay Area, according to a senior executive.
Il webinar "Hong Kong: An Ideal Seat of Arbitration and Dispute Resolution hub for Asia" si terrà il 13 aprile dalle ore 10:00. L'arbitrato è uno strumento di risoluzione delle controversie relative al commercio internazionale molto vantaggioso per le parti poiché garantisce la risoluzione del caso in tempi ragionevoli. L'uso dell'arbitrato internazionale ...
The cost of business travel to Bangkok has risen moderately by 4%, making it the 24th most expensive destination in Asia, while Singapore ranks second after Hong Kong this year, says ECA International (ECA).
After 85 years of building its business in Thailand, the Hong Kong-based life insurance firm AIA is pursuing portfolio diversification here to capture future potential and achieve sustainable growth.
HONG KONG: Hong Kong's finance chief unveiled a HK$761 billion (US$97 billion) budget on Wednesday, plunging into the coffers to pay for the recession-hit city's post-Covid recovery.
FWD Life Insurance, a Thai unit of the Hong Kong-based insurance group, is launching a new customised insurance model that offers Thais joint coverage with their family members that can also include treatment for mental health conditions.
The city’s reputation has been hammered by protests, a harsh security law and strict Covid measures. It hopes a giveaway of 500,000 plane tickets woos back tourists.
L’area della Grande baia è uno dei cuori pulsanti dell’economia cinese. In questa regione che sorge a ridosso del delta del fiume delle Perle si concentrano undici grandi... Leggi
Hong kong: Thai startups are being encouraged to explore business opportunities in Hong Kong, after Beijing eased its Covid-19 rules and reopened borders on Jan 8.