Hong Kong
Vai alla Scheda Paese »Do not let circumstances control you. You change your circumstances.
— Jackie Chan
Do not let circumstances control you. You change your circumstances.
— Jackie Chan
With the passage of the national security law, pro-democracy activists face the same dilemma as their mainland counterparts: choosing between fear and their ideals.
Protesters are deleting their accounts on Twitter and Telegram. Booksellers, professors and nonprofits are questioning their future.
Il 1° luglio 1997 la regione passava dalla Gran Bretagna alla Cina: un anniversario festeggiato con una manifestazione non autorizzata e relative conseguenze
Security provisions appear to sweep away the autonomy that made the territory Asia’s financial centre
The LDP has begun debating ways to make Tokyo more attractive to international firms, but issues of taxation and the language barrier stand in the ...
Beijing increases grip through legislation passed without discussion by territory’s legislature
La Cina approva la legge sulla sicurezza nazionale a Hong Kong, l’Iran spicca un mandato d’arresto nei confronti di Donald Trump, la corte suprema statunitense boccia la legge della Louisiana sull’aborto. Leggi
The law, approved in Beijing with speed and secrecy and signed off by Xi Jinping, will tighten the Communist Party’s grip on Hong Kong after last year’s protests.
La decisione del Comitato permanente del Congresso nazionale del popolo, ramo legislativo del parlamento di Pechino
Demosisto’s Joshua Wong says legislation imposed by Beijing will threaten activists
The Trump administration’s new restrictions come in response to a new national security law that will extend China’s influence over Hong Kong.
China keen to introduce legislation before possible pro-democracy protests this week
(Teleborsa) - Il Senato degli Stati Uniti ha approvato all'unanimità un progetto di legge che autorizza sanzioni contro dirigenti cinesi e di Hong Kong, per la stretta di Pechino sull'ex colonia...
China's top lawmaking body has announced a three-day session for the end of this month, a move that raises the possibility of the enactment of a national security law for Hong Kong that has stirred debate and fears in the semi-autonomous territory.
RTHK reporters told to tone down coverage ahead of imposition of Beijing security law
The Thailand Board of Investment together with Commerce and Economic Development Bureau of HKSAR Government
LONDON: Asia-focused banking giant HSBC's vocal support for China's controversial Hong Kong security law has not been well received in Britain, the former ruler of the city.
WASHINGTON: US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Tuesday took to task HSBC for backing Beijing's controversial security law proposal in Hong Kong, warning of businesses' overreliance on China.
Bank’s mantra of ‘guests in every country’ under pressure after backing China’s Hong Kong security law
City’s status as premier Asian destination for industry talent is at stake
HSBC Holdings PLC’s endorsement of a proposed Chinese security law in Hong Kong has begun to widen fault lines over the British institution’s relationship to ...