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Today, Africa has emerged from this dark path. Our Armageddon has passed
— Haile Selassie I
  • Imminent new drought in Ethiopia's southeastern regions - FAO

    Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Country: EthiopiaAs dryspells are likely to last until the 2017 spring rains, livestock-dependent households in southern zones of Oromia, Somali Regions and South Omo Zone will be affected. IN NUMBERS 9.7 million People food insecureUSD 91 million Required for humanitarian response in Ethiopia’s agriculture sector1.3 million People ...

  • First global fund to finance disaster response before it happens

    Source: Start Network Country: WorldAid agencies will be able to secure financial support in anticipation of flooding, a refugee exodus or other foreseeable emergencies from the Start Fund.Aid agencies will be enabled to tackle looming disasters before they have occurred, under a pioneering project being launched today by a fast-growing humanitarian ...

  • Duty free incentives for steel imports canceled

    The National Export Coordination Committee (NECC) chaired by Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn found that steel traders have organized to pressure local steel manufacturers and as a result the investment commission has lifted duty free incentives for steel imports. The local steel industry points to headwinds outside their control affecting production, ...

  • Oromia Insurance earns 33.4m birr, hoping for more

    Appoints new CEO One of Ethiopia’s youngest insurers, Oromia Insurance Company (OIC), experienced a large increase in claims this year which lead to a 33.4 million birr gross profit in 2015/16. According to its annual report that number is a 37 percent decrease from the 53.5 million birr it earned ...

  • Vague stance on climate finance for poor countries

    While the implementation of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change stepped into an implementation phase via the COP22 conference held in Marrakech, Morocco last week, the burning issue of climate finance for poor countries remains an issue where common ground is yet to be found. The Paris Agreement stipulated that ...

  • Ethiopia: Nation Continues to Be FDI Destination

    [Ethiopian Herald] Despite the recent turmoil in some parts of the country, the Ethiopian economic outlook for the past months has reportedly been not bad. The Ethiopian Investment Commission recently announced that the "unrest has not caused serious impact on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flow into the country."

  • Avenue to Showcase Ethiopia's Tourism Blessings

    [Ethiopian Herald] Uniquely, Ethiopia is endowed with myriad of tourists attractions. To everyone's surprise the mix of the attractions encompass natural, historical, cultural, and archaeological ones. Over the years, due to poor infrastructure and passive promotional works, the nation's tourism resources have not been marketed for its immense in store. ...

  • A Seasoned Financial Scholar - Prof. Dr. Fisseha-Tsion Mengistu

    [Ethiopian Herald] Today's Herald Guest is Prof. Dr. Fisseha-Tsion Mengistu who was a public policy, legal and tax advisor to the Ministry of Finance during the era of Emperor Haile-Sellassie more than 42 years ago. He envisioned seeing Ethiopia become the black power of not only the Horn of Africa ...

  • Making Diplomacy Effective in Ethiopia's Foreign Policy

    [Addis Fortune] Diplomacy in Ethiopia is dominated by higher government officials (the prime minister and the foreign minister) sometimes called summit diplomacy. However, given the increasing importance of Ethiopia at the international level in so many respects and the importance of diplomacy to Ethiopia's foreign policy, diplomacy should be made ...

  • Le aziende italiane in Etiopia fanno affari dove la popolazione è repressa

    Notizie contraddittorie trapelano dall’Etiopia. È uno dei “casi di successo” dell’economia mondiale, o almeno così è descritta. Ma nell’estate aveva fatto notizia anche il gesto di protesta di un atleta etiopico alle olimpiadi. L’Etiopia è anche un paese dove giornalisti e blogger finiscono imprigionati, dove le proteste sono soffocate nel ...

  • Intensifying outbreak response efforts across Nigeria and the Lake Chad Basin

    Source: Global Polio Eradication Initiative Country: Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Niger, NigeriaThousands of health workers across the region have been mobilized and trained. In Borno alone more than 1.7 million children have been vaccinated, yet many more continue to be un- or under-immunized.Regional emergency outbreak response is being further intensified, ...

  • Ethiopia, China Further Strengthening Strategic Partnership

    [Ethiopian Herald] Ethiopian and China are keen to work on peace and stability.

  • South Korean President Geun-hye bought 360 Viagra pills on Kenyan visit - reports

    South Korean President Park Geun-hye has defended the purchase of hundreds of erectile dysfunction pills when she visited Kenya. Geun-hye visited Nairobi in May to boost trade and strengthen ties with Kenya. Her office is said to have purchased about 360 Viagra pills and the generic version of the drug ...

  • Undesirable Side Effect of New Guideline On Relinquishing Shares

    [Addis Fortune] The long-standing saga that has held foreign nationals of Ethiopian origin who are shareholders in financial institutions in limbo for about two years was resolved after the National Bank of Ethiopia issued a guideline effective from 28 October 2016.

  • #COP22, New Investments, King's Visit to Ethiopia Headline Recent Progress

    [Moroccan American Center] Morocco's hosting of COP22 was not only an opportunity for King Mohammed VI to promote his vision of energy/environment policies in Africa; it was also a showcase for projects and investments to make the promise of lower carbon emissions a global reality. Immediately following the meetings, the ...

  • Auditor-General questions undocumented foreign trips spending by Isiolo assembly

    The report shows the county assembly organised two foreign trips to Ethiopia and Uganda.

  • Tourism Gears up to Mitigate Effects of Unrest

    [Addis Fortune] The Addis Abeba Hotel Trade Sectoral Association (AHA) and Ethiopian Tourism Organization have announced that they will partner to use new methods to minimize the effect of the state of emergency on tourism. At the first annual Tourism Industry Day event organized by Jumia Travel on November 17, ...

  • South-south cooperation praised at COP22

    There is an opportunity to forage a south-south partnership models on sustainable development and climate resilience, participants at the high level forum in Marrakech on Monday, November 14th, 2016 said. The forum that is co-hosted by Morocco, China and the UN focused on the opportunities that are there to cooperate ...

  • Huge Turkish investments coming to Ethiopia

    Well heeled Turkish investors plan to accompany Turkey’s Economic Minister Nihat Zeybekci to visit potential business locations in Ethiopia.  Ayalew Gobeze, Ethiopia’s Ambassador to Turkey, told Ethiopian journalists there that the trip will take place in the coming month. They are expected to participate in bilateral meetings with the business ...

  • Atlas seeks new acquisitions in Africa after Ethiopia exit

    Atlas African Industries is seeking new business acquisitions in the continent following its decision to exit Ethiopia by selling its bottle manufacturing plant.

  • Firm Seeks New Acquisitions After Ethiopia Exit

    [Nation] Troubled Atlas African Industries says it is seeking new business acquisitions in the continent following its decision to exit Ethiopia by selling its bottle manufacturing plant.