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Today, Africa has emerged from this dark path. Our Armageddon has passed
— Haile Selassie I
  • Successful conclusion to the Joint Valletta Action Plan: Senior Officials’ Meeting held in Malta

    In its capacity as host to the Valletta Summit on Migration, and in its role at the helm of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Malta is proud to announce a successful conclusion to the Joint Valletta Action Plan: Senior Officials’ Meeting that took place in Malta ...

  • Middle Eastern Money, Religion Fuel Tensions in Horn

    [The Conversation Africa] Relations between the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula go back centuries, with trade playing a key component in binding their people together. Religion has also played a part. The expansion of Wahhabism - the interpretation of Islam propagated by Saudi Arabia - has been funded ...

  • Sino-Ethiopia Diplomatic Relations Exemplary in Various Areas - Chinese Ambassador

    [Ethiopian Herald] Chinese economic relations with Ethiopia dated back to 100BC. As documents show, there had been trade relations between Chinese Han Dynasty and Ethiopian Aksumite Empire. But the overall bilateral relations and cooperation between the two countries had become formal in 1979 when both opened Embassies in their respective ...

  • Parliament Approves Infrastructure Loan Agreement With Chinese Bank

    [Focac] Addis Ababa -Ethiopia's parliament on Tuesday approved a 250-million-U.S.-dollar loan agreement made with China's Export-Import (Exim) Bank to finance major infrastructure construction in the country.

  • AU Mission in Somalia seeks end to use of child soldiers in armed conflict

    Source: African Union Mission in Somalia Country: SomaliaAMISOM and the Somali National Army are putting in place measures to prevent the recruitment and use of child soldiers, due to increasing cases that are becoming a security challenge.Nairobi, 7 February 2017 – The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and the Somali ...

  • Groundbreaking study on cost of hunger kicks off in Mali

    Source: World Food Programme Country: MaliAs some 26.2 percent of Malian children under five are stunted or have impaired growth as a result of undernutrition, the study will examine the effects on health, education and national productivity.BAMAKO – A groundbreaking study of the impact of child undernutrition on Mali’s economy has ...

  • Insecurity in Yemen threatens incoming refugees and migrants

    Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees Country: Ethiopia, Somalia, YemenThe UNHCR today launched a major campaign to highlight dangers to thousands of people – most from Ethiopia and Somalia – who continue to head to Yemen despite the raging conflict.UNHCR launches campaign to highlight dangers to thousands of people – most ...

  • Business News: Lamu trains youth in readiness for LAPSSET, oil and gas projects

    Lamu government is pushing for the training of local youth on various skills in preparation for the multi-billion shilling Lamu Port South Sudan Ethiopia Transport Corridor (Lapsset) project as well as oil and gas exploration.

  • Chad’s Foreign Minister elected new chairperson for the AU

    African Union leaders on Monday elected Chad’s candidate to chair the 54-nation body, headquartered in the Ethiopian capital. In the election held at the AU summit, Chadian Foreign Minister Moussa Faki Mahamat secured 39 votes in the final round beating Kenya’s top diplomat Amina Mohamed to secure the post as ...

  • New Trade Minster promises Access buyers relief  

    The recently appointed State Minister of Trade, Assed Ziad, promised Access Real Estate home buyers that he would solve their problems as soon as possible. Home buyers are asking the Addis Ababa City Administration to include Access’ plots under the city land bank.  Sources told Capital that a couple of ...

  • United rolls out new insurance products

    United Insurance Share Company stated that it has introduced a new insurance product called Political Violence Insurance. The Insurance Company told Capital that it got the green light from the National Bank of Ethiopia at the end of last month to provide the new insurance product. The insurance will cover ...

  • Local investors needed in agro-processing

    The window of opportunity for local investors to go into the agro-processing sector is now, said State Minister of Industry Mebrahtu Meles (Phd). Speaking at a discussion session mainly organized by Ethiopian Airlines and the Ministry of industry where stakeholders held talks on the importance of import substitution production, the ...

  • Locked up: 183 Kenyans are held in foreign jails

    The documented number of Kenyans in foreign jails currently stands at 183, but many more could be languishing behind bars out there since their cases have not been reported. China holds a record 76 Kenyans while, regionally, Uganda tops with 47 Kenyans behind bars. The families of those incarcerated who ...

  • Italy-Libya deal on migration lays groundwork for EU summit in Malta

    A day before European Union leaders meet to discuss closing off the illegal migrant route from Libya, Italy laid some of the groundwork Thursday by reaching a deal with the Libyan prime minister to try to stop migrants from setting out to cross the central Mediterranean.Premier Paolo Gentiloni told reporters ...

  • Malta summit draft declaration: EU chief says bloc can cut Libyan migrant route into Europe

    European Union leaders are poised to take a big step on Friday in closing off the illegal migration route from Libya across the central Mediterranean, where thousands have died trying to reach the EU, the EU chief said.EU Council President Donald Tusk said Thursday the EU summit would pave the ...

  • Thousands of civilians risk losing access to basic necessities as fighting escalates in Eastern Ukraine

    Source: UN Security Council Country: Ukraine, WorldThe recent dangerous uptick in fighting seen in eastern Ukraine has left hundreds of thousands of civilians at risk of losing all access to water, heat and electricity, the Security Council heard on 2 February.SC/12704 SECURITY COUNCIL 7876TH MEETING (PM) Members hear from political, humanitarian affairs chiefs, head ...

  • Ethiopia Invites Seychelles to Invest in Its Tourism Industry

    [Government of Seychelles] The Ethiopian Prime Minister, Mr Haile Mariam Desalegn, has invited business interests in Seychelles to invest in Ethiopia, particularly in that country's tourism industry given Seychelles' wealth of know-how in that field.

  • Cooperation Gaining Momentum

    [Ethiopian Herald] Ethiopia and the Republic of Seychelles agreed to forge exemplary tourism, trade and investment ties.

  • Anxious Days As Ethiopia Pins Hope On Tourism

    [Addis Fortune] Keder Yesehak has been running his own business selling cultural religious souvenirs for the past three decades. His shop is located beside a line of similar shops along Nigeria Street. Keder's shop stocks locally made merchandise, from cultural clothes to wooden sculptures and traditional musical instruments. Although he ...

  • Nigeria, others to increase immunisation coverage

    Bukola Adebayo African Heads of State have pledged to increase investment in immunisation coverage on the continent. The leaders made the commitment at the 28th African Union Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, are to increase their country’s political and financial investments in vaccination programmes . The World Health Organisation Regional ...

  • Historic commitment from African heads of state to advance immunization

    Source: African Union, World Health Organization Country: Ethiopia, WorldOne in five children in Africa still does not receive basic life-saving vaccines and, as a result, vaccine-preventable diseases continue to claim too many lives.31 January 2017, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – Today, Heads of State from across Africa endorsed the Addis Declaration on ...