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Today, Africa has emerged from this dark path. Our Armageddon has passed
— Haile Selassie I
  • Record number of countries reformed business practices last year

    Ethiopia placed 159th out of 190 countries for ease of doing business, according to Doing Business 2017: Equal Opportunity for All, the World Bank Group’s annual report on the ease of doing business. According to the report, Sub-Saharan Africa economies stepped up the pace of reform activity, with 37 economies ...

  • Awash Insurance continues to register strong profits

    Awash Insurance Company (AIC) continues to see increasing profits from written premiums. A press statement AIC sent to Capital indicated that the insurance company has registered 41 percent growth in net profits after tax in the 2015/16 financial year compared with the 2014/15 period. The report indicated that in the ...

  • Messahel to represent President Bouteflika at meeting of AU's High level committee on Libya

    ALGIERS-Minister of Maghreb Affairs, the African Union and the Arab League Abdelakder Messahel will represent President of the Republic Abdelaziz Bouteflika at the meeting of the African Union's High level committee on Libya on 8 November 2016 in Addis Abeba, announced Sunday the Foreign Affairs Ministry in a communiqué. ...

  • Al via la campagna di promozione per l’edizione 2017/2018 di Invest Your Talent in Italy

    Dopo il successo dell’edizione 2016/2017 di Invest Your Talent in Italy 2.0  che ha portato in Italian 54 talenti internazionali provenienti da Azerbaijan, Colombia, Kazakhstan, Egitto, Etiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Messico, Vietnam e Turchia, è partita la nuova campagna di promozione IYT, per l'attrazione...

  • Asking Ethiopians to Trade Liberty for Security Is a False Choice

    [Addis Fortune] It has been a month of complete shutdown of mobile Internet, data and social media access in Ethiopia. While in the past it has been common practice by the government to block certain websites deemed as enemy of the state, this month's blanket shutdown of Internet services affecting ...

  • Iconic Ethiopia Hotel to Be Demolished

    [Addis Fortune] Ethiopia Hotel and the adjacent Bego Adragot building are to be torn down within the next month. Belayneh Kinde, the import export mogul, bought Ethiopia Hotel in 2010 for 92 million Br. He now has plans to tear down the three star hotel and erect a new 60 ...

  • Furious Kenya to withdraw troops from South Sudan

    Kenya has ordered an immediate withdrawal of Kenyan troops currently deployed in South Sudan following the sacking of Lt-General Johnson Ondieki.Ondieki was dismissed by UN chief Ban Ki-Moon as the head of the peacekeeping force in South Sudan after serving for six months.While his sacking is unclear, a document highlighted ...

  • Ethiopia: Unrest Worries Foreign Investors

    [VOA] In Ethiopia, millions of dollars in investment went up in smoke as protesters attacked foreign companies in the Oromia region. The violence prompted the declaration of a state of emergency last month. But one foreign company managed to stave off an attack with the help of community elders.

  • Malta's EU presidency can help investors 'rediscover' the Mediterranean - Mogherini

    Malta's EU Council presidency will be an opportunity to attract investment and position the Mediterranean as a “sea of opportunity” amidst fears over security and migration, according to the EU foreign affairs chief.High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini is currently on a brief official visit to ...

  • Business: Ethiopia names technocrats, new ministers in reform government

    Ethiopia's Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn swore in a group of technocrats and new finance and foreign ministers on Tuesday in a reshuffle meant to respond to grievances behind six months of violent protests.

  • Business News: Ethiopia names technocrats, new ministers in reform government

    Ethiopia's Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn swore in a group of technocrats and new finance and foreign ministers on Tuesday in a reshuffle meant to respond to grievances behind six months of violent protests.

  • Gold Project Nears Take-Off Phase

    [EA Business] Addis Ababa -The Ethiopia government has set up the Ethiopian Mines, Petroleum and Bio-Fuel Corporation, which will be the investing entity in the country's mineral, oil and gas industry.

  • Local companies Vs China

    Investments mainly foreign direct investment (FDI) that lump overseas finances to the economy are crucial. To this end the government of Ethiopia has formed different policies and strategies to boost the investment as a whole and particularly the FDI. In addition to that with good relationships with the global arena, ...


    Business is an activity whose main objective is to make profit. Continuous accumulation is a built-in feature of all business organizations. However, it is not always easy to make profit, at least not today. In advanced industrial economies, almost all small startups fail. In the US, 95% of new small ...

  • Without reform Ethiopia risks a deepening crisis

    The image of foreign farms and business going up in flames after being set alight by protesters has put off investors.

  • There can be no humanitarian solution to the conflict in Yemen - UN relief chief

    Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Country: YemenThis humanitarian catastrophe in "Yemen is a man-made disaster, where conflict has exacerbated and exponentially increased the suffering of the 50 per cent of the Yemeni population," Mr. O'Brien to the Security Council. Mr. President, There can be no humanitarian solution to ...


    FLYING GOURMET Ethiopian Airlines inaugurated its state of the art Catering Facility on October 29, 2016. The new G+1 in-flight catering covers a total area of 11,500m2, encompassing most-modern operations and food processing, fully-equipped with high-tech cooking and bakery equipment, large capacity dishwashing and heavy-duty ice-cube machines, hot kitchen, storage ...

  • Turkish adds more African destinations

      Turkish Airways announced that it would soon begin flying to Zambia, Seychelles, Madagascar, Mauritius and Guinea. Turkish already has the largest network in Africa among foreign carriers, overtaking Air France and Emirates by adding a staggering 25 African destinations over the last three years. The new destinations will make ...

  • Addis-Ababa Withdraws Troops Over 'Lack of Support'

    [Dalsan Radio] Ethiopia has withdrawn troops from Somalia, where they had been battling Islamist militants. It blames a lack of international support for the move, following the EU's recent cut in its funding for foreign troops in Somalia.

  • Conflict and drought continue to threaten Eastern Africa

    Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Country: Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, WorldThe number of people needing aid, now 9.7 million, is a moderate decrease from 10.2 million in June. But fighting in ...

  • External border management remains a key issue to ensure the EU’s security – Carmelo Abela

    "The management of the European Union's external border remains a key issue in a bid to ensure European citizens' security while maintaining smooth internal border crossings," Minister for Home Affairs and National Security, Carmelo Abela, told Fabrice Leggeri, Executive Director of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex).Mr Leggeri ...