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— Confucius
Wherever you go, go with all your heart.
— Confucius
A sluggish economy continues to leave many young people unemployed, with few job prospects or hopes to tap into the rising incomes their parents enjoyed during boom times.
No dia da confirmação de Fernando Haddad como o futuro ministro da Fazenda, o dólar subiu, influenciado tanto pelo cenário interno como por dados de inflação nos Estados Unidos. A ...
A subida das taxas de juro para controlar a inflação vai ter forte impacto na economia em 2023. Alemanha afunda acima da média, com China a crescer acima do previsto.
Strict “zero Covid” curbs have been smothering growth. After easing them, Beijing faces the twin challenges of rising caseloads and wary consumers.
China’s imports and exports plunged in November to levels not seen since early 2020, as strict COVID restrictions hit the economy hard, according to official figures released yesterday.
Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta says claims China has a police station in NZ are 'concerning' and being investigated. China's Embassy says it's not true.
The race to attract all that fresh money and trading business in Asia will take years to play out, but so far Singapore has an ...
Em um dia de alívio no mercado financeiro, o dólar caiu para o menor nível em uma semana com as perspectivas de reabertura da economia chinesa e com a diminuição ...
A concept paper sent to the European Union suggests a new trade approach to tax metal made with higher carbon emissions in countries like China.
BRUSSELS - The EU on Wednesday escalated disputes with China to the WTO, requesting panels be assembled to hear two cases, one over trade restrictions on Lithuania and the other on legal recourses for EU patent holders.
A Confederação da Agricultura e Pecuária do Brasil (CNA) prevê alta dos custos de produção do agronegócio em 2023. Para a entidade, o próximo ano será de desafios, tanto no ...
Beijing’s costly policy of lockdowns has pummeled the world’s second-largest economy and set off mass public protests that were a rare challenge to China’s leader, Xi Jinping.
Indonesia is preparing to unveil more details on its long-term residency visa scheme to attract foreign capital and property investors including from mainland China and Hong Kong, as Southeast Asia's biggest economy recovers from a pandemic-induced slump.
Brazil posted a record trade surplus for November, official data showed on Thursday, driven by booming exports, with emphasis on sales to China, which grew 35.6%. According to the Economy Ministry, the trade surplus reached US$6.7 billion in November, beating a US$5 billion surplus expected by economists in a Reuters ...
The labor market showed continued resilience. President Biden signed legislation averting a rail strike. And a near-total embargo on Russian oil takes effect.
La città simbolo della finanza cinese eliminerà dunque l'obbligo di test Covid negativo per l'accesso ai luoghi pubblici all'aperto, come i parchi, e per l'utilizzo dei mezzi pubblici a partire da lunedì 5 dicembre
Prospects for fruit exports to China are more promising after Beijing allowed fruit transport from Thailand via the Laos-China high-speed railway.
De VS zetten Nederland onder druk om ASMLs export naar China af te knijpen. Aan dit Amerikaanse „powerplay” wil Micky Adriaansens, minister van Economische Zaken, niet toegeven: „We willen graag zaken blijven doen met China."
L'ICE - Agenzia per la promozione all'estero e l'internazionalizzazione delle imprese italiane comunica che intende organizzare un webinar di presentazione della ricerca effettuata dall'Ufficio ICE di Pechino sul settore delle costruzioni in Cina, a beneficio delle aziende italiane del settore, che si svolgerà in modalità online tramite la piattaforma Lifesize, ...
O bom desempenho da safra de grãos e as exportações de petróleo fizeram a balança comercial registrar o maior superávit para meses de novembro, informou hoje (1º) o Banco Central (BC). ...