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— Confucius
Wherever you go, go with all your heart.
— Confucius
SK Ecoplant said Thursday it struck up a partnership with world-class builder China State Construction Engineering Corp. in a bid to ramp up their joint efforts for further attracting overseas renewable energy projects. Under a memorandum of understa
Venture firm Innophys, hopes its products will be used in the care and farm fields in Europe as well as China and South Korea.
Ecuador's President Guillermo Lasso announced the conclusion of a free trade agreement with China on Tuesday (3rd). According to him, the agreement should increase exports and boost the growth of the South American industrial sector. "Good news for the beginning of 2023. Negotiations between China and Ecuador have been successfully ...
Tisco Asset Management (TISCOAM) is launching a trigger fund for China, aiming to catch the momentum amid the country's reopening and the offering of government policies to stimulate the rebounding economy.
Stock prices of some South Korean biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies have increased based on expectations that China’s sudden spike in COVID-19 cases could positively impact their sales. On early afternoon Wednesday, the stock price of
Synergetic Auto Performance (ASAP), a SET-listed car rental service operator, is planning to invest up to 2 billion baht to expand its business, saying China's reopening would provide a boost to the short-term rental car business.
Official data over the weekend showed the decline in manufacturing worsened last month, while activity in the services sector plunged the most since February 2020.
Years of lockdowns took a brutal toll on businesses. Now, the rapid spread of Covid after a chaotic reopening has deprived them of workers and customers.
With China abolishing measures to quarantine its travelers starting 2023, South Korean duty-free shops are expecting a boost in its earnings, according to industry sources Monday. China's National Health Commission announced recently that starti
Amid a tech cold war with China, U.S. companies have pledged nearly $200 billion for chip manufacturing projects since early 2020. But the investments are not a silver bullet.
As American companies seek to limit their exposure to the pitfalls of making goods in China, some are moving production to Mexico.
Washington ammette le aziende europee a un credito di imposta per le vetture «ecologiche», ma rimangono le tensioni sul pacchetto climatico degli Usa. Dombrovskis: così si favorisce la Cina
O futuro ministro da Fazenda, Fernando Haddad, anunciou hoje (28) mais dois nomes que vão compor a equipe econômica do novo governo. A diplomata Tatiana Rosito vai comandar a Secretaria de Assuntos Internacionais ...
(Teleborsa) - L'economia cinese ha avuto un 2022 difficile, a causa di due principali venti contrari: il crollo del settore immobiliare e le restrizioni legate al covid, che hanno pesato molto sulla...
SHANGHAI: China's relaxation of Covid-19 rules for international arrivals has raised hopes that its multi-billion dollar travel business will soon flourish again but countries longing for the return of Chinese tourists will likely face more of a wait.
Thai tourism stocks soared yesterday on news that Beijing is lifting travel curbs earlier than expected, boosting hopes that Thailand's tourism sector, trade and spending would recover much faster than the previous forecast.
O Ibovespa - índice de referência do mercado acionário brasileiro - fechou o pregão com queda de 0,15%, a 108.578 pontos. O volume financeiro negociado somou R$ 19,7 bilhões, abaixo da ...
SHANGHAI: China's relaxation of Covid-19 rules for international arrivals has raised hopes that its multi-billion-dollar travel business will soon flourish again but countries longing for the return of Chinese tourists will likely face more of a wait.
As notícias vindas da China, de novo levantamento de medidas pandémicas, deram força a algumas cotadas ligadas à segunda maior economia do mundo, mas a Tesla e o sector das viagens pesaram na abertura de Wall Street.
Retail sales in Beijing fell almost 18% in November as both cases and restrictions in the capital increased.
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi defended his country's position on the war in Ukraine on Sunday and signaled that China would deepen ties with Russia in the coming year.