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— Confucius
Wherever you go, go with all your heart.
— Confucius
O valor total exportado pelo Brasil em 2022 cresceu 19,1% e o valor importado foi 24,3% maior do que o registrado em 2021. Assim, o superávit na balança comercial do ...
One-third of the world economy may slide into a recession this year, but the outlook for China remains more murky.
Hong kong: Thai startups are being encouraged to explore business opportunities in Hong Kong, after Beijing eased its Covid-19 rules and reopened borders on Jan 8.
The growth impulse will be felt through services sectors such as aviation, tourism and education as Chinese people pack their bags for international travel.
Nel 2023 è il primo settore tra quelli sostenuti dalle autorità centrali a dover dimostrare di saper affrontare il mercato globale. Per la Cina è un cambio di passo importante.
China’s exports in December 2022 fell at their fastest pace since 2020, according to official figures released on Jan. 13, owing to a drop in global demand and after health restrictions hit the economy hard.
Gaat Nederland de export van ASML naar China verder beperken? Dinsdag spreekt minister-president Rutte daarover met de Amerikaanse president Joe Biden. De kaarten zijn, na ruim twee jaar onderhandelen, nog niet geschud.
Gaat Nederland de export van ASML naar China verder beperken? Dinsdag spreekt minister-president Rutte daarover met de Amerikaanse president Joe Biden. De kaarten zijn, na ruim twee jaar onderhandelen, nog niet geschud.
By Nicolás Promanzio In a context of expanding imports of Russian hydrocarbons in the Far East, China and India are positioned as Putin’s new clients to import huge volumes of Russian crude oil, including varieties from the Arctic originally destined for Europe. This information was released by Vortexa Ltd. and ...
HONG KONG: The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) said it is looking forward to working closely with Thailand to expand areas of business investment as the Covid-19 pandemic eases and China reopens its borders and lifts travel restrictions.
More than 4,000 Chinese business leaders are expected to attend the 16th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention (WCEC) in Bangkok in June, giving an added boost to the economy and the tourism sector, according to the Thai-Chinese Chamber of Commerce.
China's reopening, continued inflows of foreign funds, and anticipated spending for Thailand's national election scheduled for early May should put the Thai stock market in the spotlight in the first half this year, according to analysts.
The group of nations known as BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) is formulating new criteria for joining the bloc and could decide whether or not to admit new members this year, South African Foreign Minister Naledi Pando said. “Countries are looking for like-minded partners around the world,” ...
With the economy in a fragile state, Chinese officials are starting to use more business-friendly language, and also to back their words with action.
O índice de preços ao consumidor da segunda maior economia mundial aumentou 1,8% em termos hómologos no mês de dezembro. Isto significa que a inflação na China ficou abaixo da meta de 3% estabelecida por Pequim, segundo dados hoje divulgados.
China will disburse US$249 million to finance a national broadband project in Angola, within the scope of a financing agreement signed this Wednesday, in Luanda, between both governments. The Angolan finance minister, Vera Daves, and the Chinese ambassador to Angola, Gong Tao, were the signatories of this agreement, which foresees ...
The leader warned against "any infiltration of capital into politics that undermines the political ecosystem or the environment for economic development.”
Este valor significou um aumento de 33,4% em comparação com o ano anterior, impulsionado pelos apoios do governo chinês a um sector que representa um quarto da economia do país.
O arrefecimento da economia global pressiona os preços do petróleo para baixo. Evolução dos preços vai depender da gravidade da recessão nos EUA e na Europa e da evolução da situação na China, um dos maiores importadores mundiais de crude.
As vendas de veículos novos cresceram 4,88% em 2022 na comparação com 2021, segundo o balanço divulgado hoje (5) pela Federação Nacional da Distribuição de Veículos Automotores (Fenabrave). No ano passado, foram ...
Worry about the carmaker’s sales in the world’s largest car market is one reason the shares have plunged.