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  • Disaster risks help drive Asia’s insurance industry

    Asia’s vulnerability to natural disasters is helping drive the insurance industry in the region, an international conference in Singapore heard


      ROMA\ nflash\ - Nell’ambito del Progetto “Valorizzazione total look italiano nei Paesi BRIC ed emergenti”, l’Agenzia Ice ha organizzato una Mostra autonoma del settore gioielleria oggi e domani a Singapore, in continuità con un’iniziativa dedicata all’eyewear italiano, la scorsa settimana, soprattutto in termini di comunicazione complessiva del Made in Italy ...

  • Asia-Pacific Region Takes Lions Share of Russian Arms Sales

    About half of all Russia's military hardware exports are sent to Asian and Pacific region countries, Russia's state-controlled arms trader Rosoboronexport said Monday.

  • Continental woos Japanese carmakers to expand Asean tyre sales

    Continental AG, the Germany-based tyre manufacturer, is seeking a stronger foothold in Southeast Asia by lifting its sales proportion to the Japanese carmakers whose products dominate the regional market.

  • L'Oreal sees sales fall slightly as Asia slows

    French cosmetics giant L'Oreal says revenue fell slightly in the third quarter, as sales slowed in Asia, a market the company increasingly relies on. 

  • Thailand poised for $15bn of debt sales

    The issuance will mark an important test of investor appetite for emerging Asian economies, which are seen by many as vulnerable to a gradual “tapering” of the US Federal Reserve’s emergency asset-buying programme.

  • Foreign cash rushes to Asia

    Online retailer made net loss of $41m in latest quarter as it continues to make big investments in new warehouses, data centres and devices

  • Canon warns on weak Europe and Asia sales

    Canon has mitigated the impact of photo-taking smartphones by focusing on high-end digital cameras, but it has still had to cut its full-year forecast

  • India-ASEAN FTA in services, investments to be signed in Dec

    The free trade agreement in services and investments between India and the 10-nation ASEAN are expected to be signed in December with a view to strengthen economic engagement between the regions.

  • Diageo Flags Asia Slowdown; Sales Rise

    Diageo blamed government policies in China for a slowdown in the Asian-Pacific region even as the U.K. liquor maker reported a rise in first-quarter sales growth.

  • India progressing well on ASEAN partnership

    India has made significant progress on its proposed plan of action for expanding partnership with the 10-nation ASEAN grouping in areas of economic, political, security and socio-cultural cooperation, and the two sides are on track to meet USD 100 ...

  • Plea to ease Asean import restrictions

    Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Thursday asked the leaders of China, South Korea and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) to relax or eliminate import restrictions on Japanese produce, touting its safety more than two years after the onset of the Fukushima nuclear disaster.

  • US remains hopeful of trade deal with Asia

    A major goal of the Obama administration, deal will tear down trade barriers in areas such as government procurement and set standards for workers’ rights...

  • Emerging economies from Asia to drive global IT investments

    Market research firm says the economies would have a potential internet user base of 2,256 million by 2020

  • Asia-Pacific leaders on track to sign trade deal

    The U.S. and 11 other nations negotiating an Asia-Pacific trade pact say they are on track to agree on a comprehensive deal before the year's end.

  • US aims to calm Asia allies on trade deal

    US secretary of commerce says negotiations were proceeding without President Barack Obama who is stuck in a budget battle with Congress

  • UN project connecting Asia-Pacific to boost regional trade

    Delivering his address as the chief guest in the 67th annual session of Hindustan Chamber of Commerce in Chennai

  • Asia stocks drift before Shanghai free trade plan

    Asian stocks drifted on Friday, with markets in China edging slightly higher as investors stayed cautious ahead of a major holiday and details from the highly anticipated unveiling of a free trade zone in Shanghai. Stocks in Tokyo slid after Japan's inflation spiked.

  • 19 Set Italia - Thailandia: cooperazione a tutto campo

    In occasione del Forum Italia - Thailandia, che si è svolto lo scorso 11 Settembre, presso Confindustria, Roma, si è discusso del maggior interesse degli operatori italiani a investire nel paese asiatico. Tra i panelist, presenti autorevoli rappresentati di entrambi i paesi nonchè delle realtà aziendali, che hanno raccontato la ...

  • Asia takes bigger bite of Inditex sales

    Asia and rest of world sales, excluding Europe and the Americas, make up 21.7% of total for Zara clothes brand owner, compared with 19.3% from Spain


       ROMA\ nflash\ - Lo scorso 11 settembre nella sede romana di Confindustria si è svolto il Forum Italia Tailandia, un proficuo incontro B2B (business to business) tra illustri quanto ufficiali rappresentanti dei 2 Paesi e di rispettive realtà aziendali, anche significative. Tra i partecipanti, 115 aziende italiane, oltre 70 tra ...

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