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  • Foreign tourists in Surat skip Bangkok

    SURAT THANI - Many foreign tourists vacationing on two resort islands off the coast of Surat Thani say they plan to bypass Bangkok when they head home and go straight to the airport instead, the chairwoman of the Koh Pangan and Koh Samui Tourism Promotion Association said on Thursday.

  • Borsa: Asia corre con vendite Usa

    Bene futures Europa, contrastati su Wall Street

  • Fiscalità Internazionale

    Cos'è la finanza islamica?

    La Finanza Islamica é l'insieme degli strumenti finanziari e degli istituti giuridici conformi alla shari'ah, ovvero il testo sacro islamico che prevede il rispetto di determinati principi. Ad esempio sono elencate determinate attività haram, ovvero illecite come la distribuzione o la produzione di alcool, di tabacco, di carne  suina. ...

  • Defense and trade to mark Turkish PM’s Asia visit

    Economic partnership potential and defense industry alliances will be on the table during the Turkish PM’s week long official trip to Japan, Singapore and Malaysia, which started yesterday

  • Borsa: Asia debole con indice pmi Cina

    Tokyo chiusa per festività, piccoli cali a Hong Kong e Shanghai

  • Cresce il Pil dell'Asia Centrale

    TAJIKISTAN Dushanbe. 29/12/13. La Banca per lo sviluppo eurasiatico (EDB) ha affermano che c'è stata una crescita dell'1,6% del prodotto interno lordo (PIL) dei paesi della CSI nel terzo trimestre (Q3) di quest'anno. Leggi tutto...

  • Thailand gets more business-friendly

    Thailand is expected to be among the top 10 countries for ease of doing business in the World Bank's index next year.

  • Obama gets update on Asia-Pacific trade talks

    President Barack Obama is meeting with senior White House officials and Cabinet secretaries to discuss the status of talks on a massive Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement.

  • 12 Dic Certificazione Halal

    Esiste una distinzione nella legislazione islamica tra ciò che è lecito (halal) e ciò che non lo è (haram = proibito), il che non riguarda solo il settore alimentare, ma anche il cosmetico, sanitario, farmaceutico, finanziario e assicurativo. Ciò che è lecito è riportato nelle fonti islamiche ovvero il Corano ...

  • Delay in Pacific trade pact hurts US shift to Asia

    The failure to finalize a landmark trans-Pacific trade pact this year as planned has dealt a blow to President Barack Obama's policy shift to Asia.

  • Obama's hopes dashed for Asia-Pacific trade deal by year's end

    The latest round of talks for a so-called Trans-Pacific Partnership deal among the U.S. and 11 other countries ends in Singapore without an agreement.WASHINGTON — With economic policymaking at home largely paralyzed by Republican opposition, the Obama administration's effort to shift its focus abroad by stimulating U.S. growth through expanded ...

  • Japan to help SMEs enter Asean

    TOKYO - The Japanese government will set up a public-private initiative to support small and medium-sized businesses expand into Association of Southeast Asian Nations markets, a Japan-Asean diplomatic source said Friday.

  • Mass. Gov. Patrick leading trade mission to Asia

    Gov. Deval Patrick is heading off on another trade mission, this time to Asia with planned stops in Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong.

  • Europe and China PMI, Asia inflation

    The eurozone Purchasing Managers’ Index reached its highest level since June 2011, while the index for China edged up to beat expectations

  • Asia stocks lower ahead of Europe data, US sales

    Asian stock markets were mostly lower Friday as traders awaited European inflation data and the first day of the U.S. Christmas shopping season.

  • Tiffany Raises Outlook as Strong Asia Sales Lift Profit

    Comparable sales in Asia, where Tiffany now gets almost one-quarter of sales and is expanding aggressively, rose 22 percent, well above analysts’ expectations.    

  • Strong Asia Pacific sales help Tiffany

    THIRD-QUARTER income for luxury jewellery chain Tiffany and Co has climbed as sales in the Asia-Pacific region grew 27 per cent.

  • Strong Asia Pacific sales help Tiffany in 3Q

    Tiffany & Co.'s third-quarter net income climbed 50 percent, buoyed by strong sales in the Asia-Pacific region.

  • Thailand economy misses growth target

    Government cuts forecast for year while analysts warn of further woe

  • Asia honours its business stars in Bangkok

    Some of Asia’s biggest business names gathered last week in Bangkok for the 12th Asia Business Leaders Awards, which recognised many executives from the region for their leadership and innovative ways of driving their businesses.

  • Asia bourses fall on US GDP, China meeting

    Better than expected US gross domestic product data have increased speculation that the Federal Reserve will pare back its monetary stimulus

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