• India Giappone

    State Bank of India targets small, medium-size Japanese firms to invest in country

    The State Bank of India sees great opportunity in Japan and hopes to lure small and medium-size Japanese companies to invest in India, SBI Chairwoman Arundhati Bhattacharya said in Yokohama on Friday. “There is no doubt that we want to improve our Japan strategy,” Bhattacharya said. She and other SBI ...

  • Giappone

    U.S. unemployment fell to 10-year low in April

    Unemployment in the world’s largest economy fell to the lowest rate in 10 years due to a strong rebound in job creation in April, bringing relief to Donald Trump after disappointing economic data early in his presidency. After a slow March, when hiring likely was held down by a winter ...

  • Canada

    Accord Opep : Les grands groupes pétroliers tirent profit

    Grâce au redressement des cours pétroliers engendré par l’accord Opep et non Opep sur la réduction de la production pétrolière, les groupes pétroliers internationaux ont enregistré un bond de leurs bénéfices au premier trimestre 2017. Des géants de l’industrie pétrolière, à l’image de Royal Dutch Shell et Statoil, ont présenté ...

  • Canada

    Pétrole : Les cours de l’année au plus bas

    Le baril de brent de la mer du Nord pour livraison en juillet a amorcé sa chute jeudi, pour atteindre hier vers 3h30 GMT 46,64 dollars, au plus bas depuis cinq mois. Les cours du pétrole se sont effondrés au plus bas de l’année, en fin de semaine de cotation ...

  • Canada

    Denrées alimentaires : Les prix mondiaux en repli

    Les prix mondiaux des denrées alimentaires se sont repliés, en avril dernier, en raison des bonnes perspectives d’approvisionnement de nombreux produits de base, a indiqué jeudi dernier dans un communiqué l’Organisation des Nations unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO). L’indice des prix des produits alimentaires de la FAO a atteint ...

  • USA

    Yellen warns gender inequality is holding back US

    Fed chair says policies to promote work-life balance would add to GDP

  • Malta

    ‘I have no power to prosecute', AG says, amid passport kickbacks claim

    Attorney General Peter Grech yesterday defended himself from accusations that he had not taken any action despite having been in possession of ‘evidence’ of alleged kickbacks by the Prime Minister’s chief of staff for over a year. When contacted, Dr Grech told Times of Malta that he did not have the ...

  • Malta

    Economic forecasts prudent – MFAC

    The Malta Fiscal Advisory Council (MFAC) has described the government’s economic forecasts as “prudent”, saying that the outcome could, if anything, be more positive than anticipated. The MFAC was commenting in its assessment of the macroeconomic forecasts for the Maltese economy prepared by the Ministry for Finance as part of the ...

  • Russia Turchia USA Iran Kazakistan

    Russian-backed safe zones plan a bid to divide Syria - opponents

    A deal hammered out by Russia, Turkey and Iran to set up "de-escalation zones" in mostly opposition-held parts of Syria has gone into effect. The plan is the latest international attempt to reduce violence in the war-torn country and the first to envisage armed foreign monitors on the ground in Syria. The ...

  • Malta

    What you need to think about when getting rid of your e-waste

    If it is time to replace a refrigerator or a mobile phone, or anything electronic for that matter, you can either ask the seller to remove it (if a take-back system is offered), or you could ask your local council to dispose of it. It is then transported to an ...