• Francia Libano

    Présence de 34 pays, la Russie invité d’honneur

    La 50e édition de la Foire internationale d`Alger (FIA) ouvrira ses portes demain au Palais des expositions (Pins maritimes) avec la participation de 536 entreprises algériennes et 494 étrangères en provenance de 34 pays, a annoncé samedi le Pdg de la Société algérienne des foires et des exportations (Safex), Tayeb ...

  • Ghana Kenya Nigeria

    Attractivité économique : L’Algérie améliore son score

    L’Algérie, confrontée depuis 2014 à une crise financière, occupe le 15e rang africain en matière d’attractivité pour les investisseurs, selon l’édition 2017 de l’Indice d’attractivité de l’Afrique publiée mercredi dernier par  le cabinet britannique d’audit financier Ernst & Young, l’un des leaders mondiaux de l’audit. En 2016, le pays occupait ...

  • USA Pakistan

    Afghanistan: Thousands flee armed conflict in Kunduz Province

    Source: Norwegian Refugee Council Country: AfghanistanAround 180 families from Qala-e Zal have been displaced into Kunduz City. Many are accommodated with extended families elsewhere, but some have had to sleep in the open.“Hundreds of Afghan families are desperately fleeing armed conflict in Kunduz Province. Many are accommodated with extended families elsewhere, ...

  • Cina

    Kushner’s sister touts family ties in China pitch

    Marketing material for cash-for-visa scheme aimed at rich boasts ‘government support’

  • Panama

    Editorial: A cause for great concern

    The Prime Minister should be concerned, very concerned, over the fact that the majority of people surveyed by this newspaper are of the belief that he and his wife are implicated in the Panama Papers scandal.In our latest edition of the iSurvey, a whopping 42.1 per cent of people said ...

  • USA Malta

    Simon Busuttil appeals to Attorney General to produce other report on Schembri, Tonna immediately

    The fact that the Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit  (FIAU) report was published on the 17th of May but Police Commissioner Michael Cassar resigned in April, shows that there must have been another report, said Leader of the Opposition Simon Busuttil, appealing to the Attorney General Peter Grech to produce this ...

  • Malta

    Medical visas: Libyan whistleblower sues Neville Gafa over €36,675 in unreturned money

    The Libyan whistleblower in the medical visas scandal that hit the headlines last summer has instituted court proceedings against former health ministry employee Neville Gafa.  The court case has been lodged in an attempt to recoup €36,675 that the whistleblower claims Mr Gafa owes him for fees paid for visas ...

  • Spagna Malta

    Pilatus Bank did not give FIAU report to inquiring magistrate

    Pilatus Bank, which stands at the centre of the Egrant revelations and the allegations of kickbacks received by the Prime Minister’s Chief of Staff Keith Schembri from the sale of citizenships by Brian Tonna of Nexia BT, refrained from submitting a damning Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit report which outlined the ...

  • Spagna Panama Nuova Zelanda Malta

    iSurvey: PM most trusted leader by 9.6 points, Busuttil jumps 10 points in six months

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat remains the nation’s most trust leader by a staggering 9.6 percentage points, despite Opposition Leader Simon Busuttil’s trust rating climbing 10 percentage points in just six months.The Malta Independent’s latest edition of the iSurvey shows that despite the very serious allegations surrounding Dr Muscat and the ...

  • Malta

    Women's organisations against regularisation of prostitution

    While noting that prostitution in not illegal in Malta, the Malta Confederation of Women's Organisations (MCWO) is against the regularisation of prostitution in Malta as a normal and legitimate business as this will increase the trafficking of women. The idea was launched by the Prime Minister in one of the events ...