Delhi Reopens a Crack Amid Gloomy Economic Forecast for India
The Indian capital lifted restrictions on manufacturing and construction, critical drivers of an economy that has been battered by the pandemic.
Nuova Zelanda
Wellington Live Update: Tuesday June 1, Council skips apartment law overhaul submissions, Porirua school struggles as roll expands
It will be wet and blustery out there this morning. Here is everything you need to know at the start of your day
Generali completa acquisizione di Axa Insurance in Grecia
(Teleborsa) - Generali ha completato l'acquisizione da AXA Group della società AXA Insurance in Grecia, dopo aver ricevuto tutte le autorizzazioni necessarie dagli enti regolatori e dall'autorità...
USA Regno Unito
Piazza Affari piatta. Europa in calo
(Teleborsa) - Seduta interlocutoria per le principali borse europee, Piazza Affari inclusa, complice la chiusura per festività di Londra e New York. Sul mercato valutario, l'Euro / Dollaro USA...
Zimbabwe: Investor Protection Versus State Permanent Sovereignty
[The Herald] Developing countries frequently partner with private international investors on capital intensive projects such as petroleum and gas exploration projects with a view to receiving capital, technology and expertise. These developing states may not be well capacitated to execute projects of such magnitude hence the inclusion of private actors.
Nigeria: Foreign Portfolio Investment in Nigeria's Equities Slumps 50.7%
[Vanguard] Foreign investors' confidence in the Nigerian equities market has continued to wane as their participation in the market fell by a huge 50.74 percent to N20.02 billion at the end of April 2021 from N40.64 billion in the previous month.
Punta Carretas Shopping te invita a Ecoferia
Punta Carretas Shopping junto a La Molienda, te invitan a partir de este 3 de junio a un espacio donde podrás encontrar productos ecológicos, orgánicos y de consumo responsable. Con una amplia gama de marcas dedicadas a la alimentación bio, cosmética natural, casa sana, bienestar, eco-estilo de vida y más, ...
Bachelet pide un alto a la violencia en Colombia
La Alta Comisionada de la ONU para los Derechos Humanos, Michelle Bachelet, expresó su preocupación por la violencia que sacudió la ciudad colombiana de Cali, bajo control militar en el marco de protestas, y pidió una investigación “independiente” sobre las muertes, más de una decena.
Deuda del gobierno de brasil cae a 86,7% de pib en abril: banco central
Turchia Grecia
Turkey, Greece to take concrete steps to improve ties: FM Çavuşoğlu
Turkey and Greece will start taking concrete steps and working on joint projects to improve economic and commercial ties, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said after talks Athens, as the NATO members seek to repair ties.