Brasile USA
Colombian expat in Brazil joins list of world’s 25 wealthiest ‘millennials’
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - At 39 years of age, David Vélez is the founder of Brazilian fintech Nubank and his wealth reaches US$5.2 billion. On May 27th, Visual Capitalist website published the list of the world's wealthiest young people, which includes a Colombian. The website disclosed that there are ...
Brasile USA Indonesia Vietnam
Agreements with Asia could threaten jobs in Brazil – CNI
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Trade agreements with South Korea, Indonesia and Vietnam may increase Brazil's trade deficit with these countries by US$12.8 billion per year, according to a statement issued by the National Confederation of Industry (CNI). According to the industry association, these agreements may lead to a drop ...
Brasile USA
Analysis: Azul’s US$2.8 billion in hidden debt for aircraft leases could keep it from buying LATAM
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The euphoria of investors with a potential attempt by Azul to buy LATAM's Brazil operation, which is under a Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization plan, is not backed by analysts specialized in the large financial institution's sector. There is skepticism about both the business's chances of ...
Brasile Colombia USA Venezuela Ecuador
Honduras accuses Venezuela of wanting to impose its agenda in Latin America
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - (EFE) The Honduran Foreign Minister, Lisando Rosales, accused Venezuela this Friday of wanting to impose its agenda on the democracies of Latin America, encouraging the protests that have recently taken place in countries such as Chile, Ecuador and, at this moment, Colombia. Rosales participated today ...
Camera Commercio Europea in Cina, nomine apicali a 4 italiani
Sono ben quattro gli imprenditori italiani eletti in occasione del rinnovo delle cariche apicali della prestigiosa Camera di Commercio Europea in Cina. Si tratta dell’Avv. Carlo d’Andrea (Studio Andrea & Partners), dell’Ing. Guido Giacconi (In3Act), dell’Arch. Massimo Bagnasco (Progetto...
Usa: webinar su futuro moda italiana post Covid
Oltre 450 aziende italiane hanno partecipato all'evento virtuale di promozione integrata sulle prospettive della moda italiana negli USA dopo la crisi Covid, promosso dall'Ambasciata di Washington con Confindustria e ICE con l'obiettivo di fornire al settore moda (450 aziende registrate negli Usa)...
US inflation gauge jumps as recovery accelerates
Biggest year-on-year rise since the 1990s could raise new alarm about overheating economy
Seduta positiva in Piazza Affari
(Teleborsa) - Lieve aumento per il FTSE MIB, al pari delle principali Borse Europee. Sul mercato USA, andamento moderatamente positivo per l'S&P-500, in scia agli incoraggianti dati macro...
Où en est vraiment l’idéologie d’extrême-droite à Bruxelles et en Wallonie? “Il y a autant de demandes qu’en Flandre, c’est juste un problème d’offre”
Extrême droite et soutien à Jürgen Conings Pour Dave Sinardet (VUB) et Benjamin Biart (Crisp), la Wallonie et Bruxelles ne sont pas immunisées contre la droite radicale.
Le ministre-délégué Franck Riester attendu à Dakar
Dakar, 29 mai (APS) – Franck Riester, ministre-délégué en charge du Commerce extérieur et de l'Attractivité auprès du ministre français de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères, sera en visite au Sénégal, lundi et mardi, a appris l'APS. - Actualités