Brasile Svizzera
Dólar cai para R$ 5,16 e fecha no menor valor em 20 dias
Em um dia de alívio no mercado financeiro, o dólar caiu para o menor valor em 20 dias. A bolsa de valores subiu mais de 1,5% e voltou a superar ...
Beneficiários com NIS de final 8 recebem o novo Bolsa Família
A Caixa Econômica Federal paga nesta quarta-feira (29) a parcela do novo Bolsa Família aos beneficiários com Número de Inscrição Social (NIS) de final 8. Essa é a primeira parcela com ...
La Belgique numéro un à l'exportation d'un pesticide interdit dans l'Europe
Alors que le chlorpyrifos est interdit en Europe, une entreprise liégeoise continue de le produire et l'exporter. La pratique n'est pas illégale mais interpelle, écrivent Le Soir et Knack mercredi.
New Silk Road: with 60% of foreign loans at risk of default, China increasingly has to bail out its debtors
An increasing number of emerging and developing countries borrowed from China to build infrastructure under the New Silk Road cannot service them on schedule. As a result, Beijing has dramatically expanded its bailout lending in recent years. An analysis by researchers at AidData, the Harvard Kennedy School, the Kiel Institute ...
Succession, the challenge for Latin America’s big business families
By Blake Schmidt Agustín Coppel Gómez was born into one of Mexico's biggest retail fortunes, but he is not alone. He and his three brothers are part of the third generation of 31 descendants of the family's late patriarch, Enrique Coppel Tamayo. He founded the business in 1941 and later ...
Lawmakers Rebuke Biden for Bypassing Congress in Trade Deal With Japan
A statement from two Democrats called the Biden administration’s deal “unacceptable,” saying it should have been made available to Congress and the public for review.
Nicaragua Costa Rica Nigeria
Denuncian "modus operandi" de CPC y Juventud Sandinista en barrios e instituciones públicas
Un informe de la Asociación Intercultural de Derechos Humanos identificó “patrones invisibles” de violaciones a los derechos humanos en Nicaragua entre 2018 y 2023, entre los cuales destaca el ‘modus operandi’ del Frente Sandinista para reprimir y controlar a los ciudadanos que consideran opositores. El documento publicado en San José, ...
Frente Amplio de Uruguay rechaza destierros, confiscaciones y despojos del orteguismo
El Frente Amplio de Uruguay emitió un pronunciamiento rechazando los destierros, despojo de nacionalidades y confiscaciones perpetradas por el régimen de Daniel Ortega y Rosario Murillo en contra de 317 nicaragüenses, entre sacerdotes, empresarios, dirigentes políticos, activistas sociales, defensores de los derechos humanos, líderes estudiantiles y periodistas. “La Mesa Política ...
The Ortega-Wang “mafia route”: “The canal was a failure, but the concession is still in force”
The Mafia Route: Who controls the canal concession in Nicaragua? is the result of exhaustive investigative reporting conducted over a decade by lawyer and expert in environmental law, Mónica López Baltodano, and political scientist Umanzor López Baltodano, on the corrupt scheme and the 23 shell companies that operate in relation ...
Nicaragua Costa Rica
Nicaraguan rural leaders still fighting canal project law
Exiled Nicaraguan farmers’ rights activist Francisca Ramirez has led the movement against Nicaragua’s failed inter-oceanic canal project since 2013. Now living in exile in Costa Rica, the rural leader declared to Confidencial: “It’s totally clear that corruption and other economic interests,” are the forces behind those who control the canal concession. ...