Prefeitos pedem participação na construção de novo arcabouço fiscal
A partir desta segunda-feira (27), municipalistas de diversas regiões do país começam a desembarcar na capital da República para a 24ª Marcha a Brasília em Defesa dos Municípios. Com expectativa ...
Enormt lyft för gränshandeln efter pandemin
Sedan Norge öppnade gränsen mot Sverige efter coronapandemin har svenska butiker invaderats av norska prisjägare, rapporterar tidningen Dagligvarunytt.
Gehirnchip-Firma von Elon Musk sucht Partner für klinische Studien
Anfang letzten Jahres wurde ein Neuralink-Antrag für klinische Studien in den USA noch abgelehnt. Nun versucht das Unternehmen es erneut
Corea del Sud
Hyundai Glovis, GS Energy to work together for green energy business
Hyundai Glovis announced Monday that it has signed a memorandum of understanding with GS Energy for cooperation in clean hydrogen, ammonia, and green energy at its Seoul headquarters. According to the agreement, Hyundai Glovis will be in charge of ma
Qatar Argentina
Argentina vs. Curazao: formación, día, hora, TV y streaming del partido amistoso
El segundo amistoso que jugará la selección nacional desde que ganó el Mundial Qatar 2022 será este martes en Santiago del Estero
Brazil’s tax reform: what to expect
By Silvano Alves Alcantara* The debate over tax reform is recurrent in Brazil, especially where the tax burden has already reached 33% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). But, an effective reform in line with the population’s wishes is far from happening, such as the reduction of tax rates, the ...
Brazil: economist says unemployment “will be visible” after July
By Camila Abdo For economist Márcio Furtado, superintendent at the Ministry of Economy during the Bolsonaro government, the economic policies adopted by Lula's government team haven't started to be "visible" to the population. Unemployment, for example, will begin to be deeply felt in the coming years. Furtado spoke exclusively to ...
Meet the Xi Jinping Loyalist Now Overseeing China’s Economy
He Lifeng’s long career in government has spanned the extremes of China’s approach, from the early embrace of small business in the 1980s to today’s tighter state control.
Kuwait political crisis drags down economy
A seemingly never-ending political crisis is plunging oil-rich Kuwait’s economy into the mire, affecting basic services and causing mounting public concern.
¿Cómo someter ante la justicia a los dictadores y la “cadena de mando”?
El próximo cuatro de abril se debatirá en el Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU en Ginebra una resolución sobre el informe que el seis de marzo presentó el Grupo de Expertos en Derechos Humanos, que durante un año investigó “los crímenes de lesa humanidad” perpetrados en Nicaragua por ...