• Panama

    A PL government will remain a catalyst for change – PL Deputy Leader Louis Grech

    Deputy Prime Minister Louis Grech, addressing the PL AGM yesterday, said that government remains relevant and credible when it implements what it promises."We look to the future, to strengthen the fight against bureaucracy, to review the minimum wage. A PL government will remain a catalyst for change."He was addressing the ...

  • USA Panama Malta

    Editorial - Egrant investigation: The police commissioner must go

    It has been said before that the police commissioner is either completely incompetent or that he is inextricably complicit in the government's multiple attempts at subterfuge when it comes to the scandals it has been confronted with and which, in most democracies, would result in police investigations.Either way, it has ...

  • Brasile Panama

    Law partners in 'Panama Papers' scandal get bail

    A court in Panama on Friday ordered the release on bail of two partners at a law firm involved in last year's "Panama Papers" scandal set off by the leak of thousands of documents related to offshore accounts.Jurgen Mossack and Ramon Fonseca Mora of the Mossack-Fonseca firm were arrested in ...

  • Paraguay

    BCP aumenta al 4,2% previsión de crecimiento del PIB para este año

    La economía paraguaya crecerá un poco más del 4% en el 2017, luego de haberse expandido un 5,5% interanual en el primer trimestre, según el presidente del Banco Central del Paraguay (BCP), Carlos Fernández Valdovinos, para quien la reciente crisis política tendrá un impacto limitado en el crecimiento, de acuerdo ...

  • Spagna Panama

    UĦM calls for police commissioner's resignation

    The UĦM Voice of the Workers said it will take part in tomorrow's protest against corruption as it called for the police commissioner's resignation.  It is "clear" that the institutions tasked with probing the allegations are not shouldering their responsibilities, the union said, justifying its decision to take part in the ...

  • USA

    Trump warming to EU trade deal with Britain behind in queue - Times

    The United States could strike a free-trade agreement with the European Union after President Donald Trump warmed to a deal with the bloc, the Times reported, quoting sources from both sides of the discussion. Post-Brexit Britain would be pushed behind Europe in the race to secure a US deal after Germany's Angela ...

  • Spagna Panama

    Mizzi, Schembri testify, no comment on inquiry

    Updated 12.30pm with Mizzi comments Keith Schembri, the Prime Minister's chief of staff would not say whether he personally owned a bank account at Pilatus Bank after testifying in the Egrant inquiry. He was asked outside the law courts after testifying in front of magistrate Aaron Bugeja. Mr Schembri kept repeating that he ...

  • USA Spagna Panama

    Watch: Joseph Muscat, wife testify to clear names 'from the dirt'

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and his wife Michelle this morning testified in front of the magistrate investigating allegations over their connection with Panama company Egrant is owned by Ms Muscat. The couple walked out of the law courts hand in hand and in the only comments made, Dr Muscat said they ...

  • USA Malta

    Packham says government is not interested in enforcing law

    It is evident that the government is not interested in enforcing the law, said BBC journalist Chris Packham who was on Thursday found not guilty by the court of assaulting two trappers while filming a documentary on trapping illegalities. “What we have observed this year is a government going into an ...

  • Spagna Azerbaigian Panama

    Muscat says 'fabricated' documents contained data from 'some' electoral registry

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat this morning reiterated claims that transcripts of documents linking his wife to Panama company Egrant had been falsified, insisting more than one piece of information did not tally. Fielding questions from journalists following a press conference this morning, Dr Muscat said that declarations of trusts would have ...