• Kenya

    Business: Wealth transfer in Kenya is more than meets the eye

    It was an interesting article for several reasons. One, it went to some depth in trying to understand the popular issue of wealth accumulation in Kenya and, more particularly, the question of the legitimacy of methods used in that process.

  • USA

    Business: Kenyan economy in 2016, extrapolations into 2017

    The effect of external forces on our economy—from Brexit to the American elections —is highlighted. What takes place in faraway lands affects us. Brexit or USA elections, is not just breaking news, it affects our well being. A strong US dollar or pound makes our currency weak, making our imports ...

  • Kenya

    Business: Kenya offers textile firms tax incentives to create jobs

    Executives in the textiles industry said the changes included allowing them to sell 20 per cent of their annual production locally without sales taxes and without paying import duties on the materials and equipment used to produce the garments.

  • Cina

    Business: China's economy grows by 6.9 per cent

    Analysts polled by Reuters had expected the economy to expand 6.8 per cent in the first quarter, the same pace as in the fourth quarter of 2016.

  • Kenya

    Kenya: How Mungiki has taken over mines

    The gradual forceful takeover of some of the mines can be traced to as far back as 2010, when, after years of being put on the back foot by the authorities in their major operation zones of Nairobi and parts of central Kenya, a delegation of about a dozen people ...

  • Spagna

    Los científicos marchan en Madrid para exigir inversión y apoyo a la ciencia

    Madrid, 22 abr (EFE).- Bajo el lema "Sin Ciencia No Hay Futuro" varios miles de científicos han marchado este mediodía por la madrileña calle de Alcalá hasta la sede del Ministerio de Hacienda para reclamar un aumento de la inversión en conocimiento en los presupuestos generales, así como apoyo "real" ...

  • Nigeria

    Airtel commences 4G service in Nigeria

    The Managing Director, Airtel Nigeria, Mr. Segun Ogunsanya, said on Saturday that the telecommunications company has rolled out Fourth Generation (4G) wireless mobile telecommunications technology in Nigeria. Ogunsanya said in a statement in Lagos that the roll out of the technology was in partnership with ZTE, a Chinese multinational telecommunications ...

  • Francia

    [BREAKING] Police arrest man with knife in Paris train station

    A man carrying a knife was arrested on Saturday at Paris’s Gare du Nord station, causing brief panic days after the jihadist killing of a policeman, police sources said amid pre-election jitters. “An individual carrying a knife came into the station, was pointed out to a police patrol which immediately ...

  • Brasile

    Centrais sindicais preparam greve geral para próxima sexta-feira

    Centrais sindicais organizam greve geral (ou paralisação nacional) para a próxima sexta-feira, dia 28. Eles dizem que pode ser a maior mobilização de trabalhadores e de diversos setores da sociedade dos últimos 30 anos no Brasil. O protesto contra as reformas da Previdência e trabalhista e a Lei da Terceirização ...

  • Francia

    Plus 1200 exposants au rendez-vous

    Le 20e Salon international du bâtiment, des matériaux de construction et des travaux publics (Batimatec) ouvrira ses portes demain, pour une durée de 4 jours, au Palais des expositions de la Safex, à Alger. C’est le ministre de l’Habitat et du Commerce, Abdelmadjid Tebboun, qui procédera à son inauguration, en ...