Giappone Filippine Italia
40 years after Elvis' death, impersonators talk about legacy
Four decades since his death, Elvis Presley still reigns as The King — for impersonators.Few artists inspire people all over the world to dress up and perform passionately on stage like Presley. Impersonators from different generations and various countries paid tribute to their idol recently at a gathering in the ...
I cinesi puntano Fca, pronta la trattativa. Il titolo vola in borsa
Dopo la Pirelli, l'Inter e il Milan, un altro gioiello del made in Italy sembra sia finito sotto i riflettori del potente capitalismo cinese. Secondo Automotive News, sempre molto informato sui...
I cinesi puntano Fca, pronta la trattativa. Il titolo vola in borsa
Dopo la Pirelli, l'Inter e il Milan, un altro gioiello del made in Italy sembra sia finito sotto i riflettori del potente capitalismo cinese. Secondo Automotive News, sempre molto informato sui...
India Turchia USA Romania Spagna Iran Bulgaria Grecia Regno Unito Austria Malta Cipro Yemen Italia
Malta listed as one of 20 EU countries where risk of modern slavery is rising
A report on modern slavery published last Thursday has listed Malta as one of the 20 countries within the European Union were the risk of modern slavery has risen over the last year, seeing an accumulated rise in modern slavery throughout Europe. The report, titled ‘Modern Slavery Index 2017’ is ...
USA Francia Spagna Regno Unito Austria Malta Slovenia Italia
Government mum on implementation of EU anti money laundering rules
The Minister of Finance failed to answer The Malta Independent’s questions on why it has not, as stated by the Finance Minister himself, transposed the latest EU anti money laundering directive into law. The EU Commission some weeks ago penned a letter to the government asking why it failed to ...
Malta Italia
Air Malta: 25 part-time clerks given full time employment
The ailing national airline, which has repeatedly been told that it needs to shed jobs, has employed 25 part-time clerks on a full-time basis, The Malta Independent is informed. Air Malta has only managed to break even in the second quarter of this year, having been in restructuring since 2009. ...
Evasione, denunciati oltre 27 mila irregolari nel 2016
(Teleborsa) - L'evasione resta molto alta in Italia. Nel 2016, con l'attività di controllo e di verifica fiscale effettuata dalla Guardia di Finanza, tra evasori totali, paratotali, lavoratori...
Cina Romania Danimarca Regno Unito Austria Malta Slovenia Hong Kong Italia
No contaminated eggs in Malta – Ministry for Health
No contaminated eggs have been imported to Malta, a spokesperson for the Ministry for Health has told The Malta Independent on Sunday. The EU Commission had confirmed that 15 EU countries as well as Hong Kong and Switzerland have received eggs contaminated with the insecticide fipronil“The Environmental Health Directorate are ...
Malta Italia
Waterpolo: Stevie Camilleri joins A.S. Roma Nuoto
"Colpo grosso per la Roma, preso l'attaccante Stevie Camilleri" - This is how the official website of Italian Serie A2 waterpolo club A.S. Roma Nuoto titled the breaking news of the move of the Malta national waterpolo team captain to the Italian side.The Malta Independent caught up with Camilleri about ...
Spagna Italia
Borse europee bersagliate dalle vendite
(Teleborsa) - Seduta nera per Piazza Affari e per le altre borse europee, che archiviano la seduta al ribasso. La Borsa di Milano è seconda nelle vendite solo alla Piazza di Madrid. A pesare...