Terremoto Centro Italia del 2016 ha quasi dimezzato PIL pro capite area
(Teleborsa) - Il terremoto del Centro Italia di agosto 2016 ha messo in ginocchio l'economia italiana, bruciando parte del PIL pro capite, tanto che si stima che occorreranno 5 anni per...
Vino, il caldo mette le ali all'export
(Teleborsa) - Un'ondata di caldo anomalo che ha messo in ginocchio l'Italia con la prolungata siccità che riduce il raccolto dell'uva. Risultato? Vendemmia tra le più scarse dell'ultimo...
Artigianato, migliaia di imprese ancora al palo a 1 anno dal terremoto
(Teleborsa) - Il terremoto è un evento disastroso, ma una gestione rapida dell'emergenza potrebbe consentire all'economia di ripartire al più presto. Ciò non si verifica mai in Italia,...
Italian boy credited with helping save brother after quake
An Italian family of five was "reborn" after all three children buried in the rubble of their home by a 4.0-magnitude quake were pulled to safety Tuesday in a painstaking 16-hour rescue operation on the popular Mediterranean resort island of Ischia.The Toscano family's happy ending brought cheers from the dozens ...
USA Spagna Italia
FIRST: Roccamore... Dubbed 'the most comfortable heels you will ever wear'
What's the main concept behind the brand?To create comfortable high heels. All roccamore shoes are made with built-in orthopedic insoles that shape your foot to walk as anatomically correct as possible in high heels. I spent 2 years developing the insole together with an orthopedic shoemaker who has 15 years ...
Le imprese italiane? Parlano sempre più straniero: a giugno 2017 superata quota 580mila
(Teleborsa) - Le imprese italiane? Parlano sempre più straniero. Continuano, infatti, ad aumentare le aziende straniere in Italia. Pur mostrando ritmi di crescita inferiori rispetto al passato,...
Turchia Spagna Grecia Italia
Migration trends shifting across Mediterranean region
At the height of Europe’s recent migration crisis, more than 7,000 people landed every day on the Greek islands that face Turkey. Orange life-vests covered the beaches of northern Lesbos, while multiplying numbers of new arrivals slept in fields and in the island’s main port.That was in the autumn of ...
USA Panama Malta Italia
European Commission ‘not informed’ of any Malta-Italy trade-off of migrants for oil rights
The European Commission, through Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos, has informed that the EC “has not been informed of any agreement” between Malta and Italy.He was answering a European Parliamentary Question over persistent and recurring rumours that Malta and Italy had reached a secret pact that has ...
Taiwan Malta Italia
15th cultural and educational agreement signed between Malta and Italy
The 15th Cultural and Educational Agreement was signed between Malta and Italy at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Trade Promotion in Valletta. Based on the cultural collaboration agreement signed in 1967, it identifies cultural and educational activities and cooperation opportunities for the 2017-2019 period. The agreement aims to increase understanding ...
Qatar Oman USA Canada Francia Giappone Regno Unito Malta Kuwait Italia
Dubai magnate tied to Trump brand seeks new ventures abroad, including Malta
During recent trips to Croatia and Malta, a Dubai-based billionaire and business partner of the Trump Organization looked more like a head of state himself — mingling with government dignitaries, receiving a presidential reception and visiting the glittering Mediterranean Sea.Hussain Sajwani met with leaders in the two European nations and ...