Thailandia Corea del Sud
Korea launches Bangkok charm offensive
Incheon Metropolitan City and Incheon Tourism Organisation on Friday hosted their first roadshow in the kingdom to boost trade and tourism.
Brasile Argentina
Para especialistas, discurso “economês” de Haddad diz respeito ao povo
Em dezembro de 2022, pouco antes de assumir o Ministério da Fazenda, Fernando Haddad disse em uma entrevista que, naquele momento, o mais importante para integrantes do novo governo era ...
Mais de 70% dos reajustes salariais superaram a inflação em 2023
Sete em cada dez salários (72,5%) tiveram reajuste acima da inflação mensurada pelo Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor (INPC) em 2023, de acordo com o boletim Salariômetro, da Fundação ...
Kenya Seed Company gets new MD as Oloibe calls it a day
Sammy Chepsiror, a long-serving sales and marketing manager replaces Fred Oloibe, who was redeployed to the Ministry of Agriculture.
How agri-preneurs hold key to raising our export capacity
Kenya has established its industry certification and standards within the agricultural sector to meets the necessary requirements and keep up with the world.
Improve business environment to lift majority from poverty
The increasing inflation rate in Kenya is worrying. It indicates the prevailing dire economic environment might take longer to resolve.
Quest Boosts Energy Mix Initiative Through New Partnership Deal
Indigenous oil and gas firm, Quest has entered into strategic partnership with power distribution specialist JCB, to boost electricity supply to customers in the country. Under the arrangement, Quest is now a new dealer and distributor for JCB power generation products in Nigeria. Both firms sealed the deal during a ...
Lula conversa com diretora-gerente do FMI na reunião do G7 e fala de impacto da pandemia
Situação da economia argentina também foi abordada...
SENEGAL-ECONOMIE / Signature d’une convention de partenariat pour l’économie sociale et solidaire, lundi
Dakar, 20 mai (APS) – Le ministère de la Microfinance et de l’Economie sociale et solidaire va signer une convention de partenariat avec Feed The Future Sénégal, lundi à 9 heures, au King Fahd Palace, à Dakar, a-t-on appris dudit département ministériel. Les deux parties veulent, à l’aide de cette ...
SENEGAL-ECONOMIE-INSTANCES / L’UNCCIAS : des membres renouvellent les instances, Serigne Mboup parle de « non-vacance » du bureau sortant
Dakar, 20 mai (APS)- L’Union nationale des chambres de commerce d’industrie et d’agriculture du Sénégal (UNCCIAS) annonce avoir renouvelé ses instances en portant à sa tête Abdoulaye Sow président de la chambre consulaire de Dakar, laquelle décision a été contestée par l’équipe sortante dirigée par Serigne Mboup. Au sortir d’une ...