Iran Venezuela
Venezuela and Iran ratify cooperation against U.S. sanctions
The Venezuelan Foreign Minister, Yván Gil, spoke today with his Iranian counterpart, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, on matters related to cooperation in all areas, despite the harsh U.S. sanctions against both nations. The official website of the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry reported that both diplomats talked in detail about the bilateral work agenda ...
Mexico captures US$18.636 billion in foreign investment in the first quarter of 2023
Mexico received US$18.636 billion in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the first quarter of 2023, with the bulk of the resources directed to the manufacturing sector, the Ministry of Economy informed today. The figure is 48 percent higher than the FDI received in the same period last year if the ...
Brasile India Russia Canada Francia Germania Giappone Regno Unito Italia
India, prospettive di crescita del paese primo al mondo per popolazione e quinto per Pil
che a partire dal 2014 anno dopo anno l'India ha superato in termini di PIL Russia, Brasile, Canada, Italia, Francia e UK e ha già nel mirino Giappone e Germania
SENEGAL-ECONOMIE / Un salon sur la jeunesse et l’emploi, à partir de ce lundi, à Dakar
Dakar, 22 mai (APS) – Un salon de trois jours consacré à la jeunesse, à l’emploi et à la mobilité va s’ouvrir ce lundi au Grand Théâtre national de Dakar, a appris l’APS des organisateurs. La tenue de cet événement est une initiative de l’Agence nationale pour la promotion de ...
Polonia Francia Romania Bulgaria Ungheria Slovacchia Repubblica Ceca Italia
L’Italia e altri sette paesi Ue: sulle emissioni auto l’Euro7 è «irrealistico»
La richiesta fatta da Italia, Bulgaria, Repubblica ceca, Francia, Polonia, Romania, Slovacchia e Ungheria. «A rischio gli investimenti del settore, anche alla luce del passaggio all’elettrico»
Irlanda: è legge l’obbligo di etichetta sanitaria per gli alcolici
La norma, con un periodo di transizione di tre anni, prevede che le etichette dei prodotti alcolici indichino il contenuto calorico e i grammi di alcol nel prodotto
Dallas Attracts a Flock of Luxury Restaurants
The city’s booming economy is attracting a flock of luxury restaurants from other cities. Is that a good thing for local cuisine?
Analysts concerned delay could hamper GDP, stocks
Stock market analysts have expressed unease about the post-election political situation, saying a delay in the formation of a new government would affect the country's GDP and encourage foreign investors to continue dumping Thai shares.
Sudden wage hike 'may lead to job losses'
The Move Forward Party (MFP) should let Pheu Thai handle the country's economic policy, business leaders said, warning that raising wages too high and too fast could lead to job losses due to workers being replaced by machines.
Cina Giappone
Japan to tighten controls on semiconductor exports to China
It seems inevitable that the restrictions on transactions will cause a deterioration in the business performance of Japanese manufacturers with a high share of China-bound ...