Russian Oil Not Worth the Trouble, Some Traders Conclude
European buyers, shippers, banks and insurers have grown leery of doing business with Russia in recent days, even at deep discounts.
Brasile Russia
EU sanctions frenzy: Russia forced to suspend fertilizer deliveries to food producer Brazil
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - After an exponential increase in fertilizer prices with the start of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, another extreme measure is worrying Brazilian agriculture. Russia announced that it had suspended fertilizer exports to Brazil. Ambassador Sergei Lukashevich made the announcement. He explained that the country ...
Brasile Uruguay
Wealth concentration deepens in Uruguay
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Association of Bank Employees of Uruguay (AEBU) stated that deposits in accounts reached record figures in 2021, and the concentration of wealth in the country is deepening. A report of its Technical Advisory Committee found that half of this total growth corresponds . . ...
Fertilizantes: Brasil está parado desde 2014
Dependendo da importação para tocar a agricultura, a verdade é que o Brasil desistiu de investir nesse mercado, mas ainda existem chances para remineralizadores
Dólar cai para R$ 5,10 com avanço das commodities
Após duas altas seguidas por causa do estouro da guerra entre Rússia e Ucrânia, o dólar caiu no primeiro pregão após o carnaval, impulsionado pela valorização de minérios e de produtos agrícolas no mercado internacional. A bolsa de valores também foi beneficiada pela trégua nas bolsas norte-americanas e subiu pela ...
Russia Turchia
The biggest winner in Ukraine so far: Turkey’s Erdogan
Erdogan’s gymnastic balancing act between Russia and Ukraine has won him plaudits from both Moscow and the West. Could Putin's war rehabilitate Turkey's foreign relations, and save Erdogan's political career?
Bennett alongside Germany's Scholz: Israel stands with the people of Ukraine
During the German chancellor's first visit to Israel, Bennett announces 'a new strategic partnership' between the countries, and says the leaders discussed the Iran nuclear talks
Facundo Garretón: “Es absurdo que la ley de cannabis no se amplíe al turismo”
Compró la chacra de Susana Giménez para crear centro de bienestar cannábico y lamenta que Uruguay se esté quedando “obsoleto” en regulación
Un diplomate parie sur le sport pour booster l'axe Dakar-Kuala Lumpur
Dakar, 2 mars (APS) - L'ambassadeur du Sénégal en Malaisie, Abdoulaye Barro, a exprimé mercredi son souhait de bâtir un pont appelé à devenir une plaque tournante entre Dakar et Kuala Lumpur, en vue de développer un partenariat en matière de sport entre les deux pays, qui, selon lui, "ont ...
Insider becomes 5th Turkish unicorn company
With a worth of more than a billion dollars, software giant Insider has become Turkey’s fifth unicorn company after getting investments from two foreign companies.