Le reazioni dell’Iraq alla fine dei risarcimenti al Kuwait
Dopo trent’anni, Baghdad non dovrà più versare al paese vicino una percentuale dei proventi dalle vendite di petrolio, decisi dall’Onu in seguito all’invasione voluta da Saddam Hussein nell’agosto 1990. Leggi
How Sanctions on Russia Are Affecting the Global Economy
The price of energy has already shot higher, and the conflict imperils supply chains, factors that could exacerbate inflation and suppress growth.
Brasile USA
Brazil’s inflation could end lower than that of the US
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil's inflation is slowing and could end the year below that of the United States after the Latin American nation withdrew monetary and fiscal stimulus last year, said Economy Minister Paulo Guedes. By the end of 2022, consumer price gains will slow from their current ...
Brasile Argentina
Automotive market: Argentina and Brazil were the Latin American countries where sales fell the most in January
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - In January this year, the Latin American automotive market recorded a 9.2% drop in sales compared to the same month in 2021, due in large part to declining sales in the countries with the largest vehicle sales in the region, particularly Brazil and Argentina. This ...
The jarring truth about going into business in Kenya
The reality on the ground is that men and women pushed into entrepreneurship have no interest or the necessary acumen.
Cina, la ripresa è avviata ma le piccole imprese restano indietro
Crescita a due facce per l’economia di Pechino, avviate le misure di stimolo della Banca centrale si attende l’apertura della Plenaria del Parlamento
Svensk tull hårdgranskar all export till Ryssland
Svenska tullen hårdgranskar all export från Sverige till Ryssland från och med nu. – Vi kommer att gå igenom varenda exportdeklaration och…
Granada empata y corta racha de derrotas
El Granada logró poner fin a la racha de cinco derrotas consecutivas en La Liga. La tan esperada oportunidad le llegó de local ante el Cádiz, aunque no se trató de una victoria.
Órgano estatal de derechos humanos suspende misiones en Colombia por violencia preelectoral
Solicitan a la Antai una investigación por obra del Mercado del Marisco
Miembros de Mesa Ciudadana exigieron a los concejales y al alcalde capitalino, José Luis Fábrega, que frenen la construcción de un nuevo Mercado del Marisco por $40 millones y otros mercados en el distrito para superar un total de $80 millones.