Las multimillonarias inversiones que condicionan el futuro de Vaca Muerta
Según las reglas básicas del protocolo inversor en capital fijo, la Argentina actual es poco elegible: institucionalidad frágil, tasas de riesgo país por las nubes e inestabilidad macroeconómica
IMF projects Thai growth of 2.8%
The Thai economy is projected to continue its post-pandemic recovery with expansion of 2.8% this year and 3.7% in 2023, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
USA Thailandia
Fetco chief condemns Fed policy of 'misguided' hikes
The global economy is on the verge of falling into recession next year as countries have taken the wrong currency management path in response to the US Federal Reserve's aggressive policy rate hikes, a Thai economist warns.
BPE puts bourse listing back on the front burner
Biodegradable Packaging for Environment (BPE), a Thai manufacturer of food and beverage containers made from agricultural refuse, has resumed a plan to list the company on the stock market as it continues to expand its packaging business.
Bistro Asia eyes B3bn in sales within 2025
Bistro Asia Co under Thai Beverage (ThaiBev) is ramping up its food business, opening its first food court and developing a Western restaurant brand in an effort to increase sales to reach 2-3 billion baht over the next three years.
Putin schlug Türkei als internationales Gas-Verteilungszentrum vor
Ankara will westliche Partner offensichtlich nicht brüskieren und reagierte vorerst nicht offiziell auf den Vorschlag
Corea del Sud
AustCham Korea hosts dinner for trade minister
The Australian Chamber of Commerce in Korea said Thursday it has co-hosted a dinner reception for the visiting Australian Federal Minister for Trade and Tourism, Sen. Don Farrell at the Four Seasons Hotel Seoul on Wednesday. The minister came after h
Messico USA Francia
Intanto nel mondo
Bombardato un mercato ucraino, in Francia continua lo sciopero nel settore petrolifero, Alex Jones pagherà un miliardo di dollari per aver negato la strage di Sandy Hook, accordo tra Stati Uniti e Messico sui migranti venezuelani. Leggi
Bankitalia taglia stime crescita Italia 2023 a +0,3%
(Teleborsa) - Stime di crescita riviste pesantemente al ribasso da Bankitalia per il 2023. Le nuove previsioni formulate indicano un PiL a +0,3% l'anno venturo, ben 1 punto al di sotto delle stime...
USA Francia Ucraina
Gas, Francia: inaccettabile che gli Usa facciano utili sulle forniture all’Europa
Il ministro dell’Economia Le Maire: «La guerra in Ucraina non deve sfociare in una dominazione economica americana e in un indebolimento dell’Ue»