ANDA dialogó con agentes inmobiliarios sobre su garantía de alquiler
La vivienda representa una de las principales preocupaciones de los uruguayos, y ANDA ofrece una solución ágil y segura para sus socios.
Asociación Española y Claeh firman convenio por diplomatura en Endocrinología Ginecológica
Autoridades de la Asociación Española y la Universidad Claeh firmaron un nuevo convenio para la creación de la diplomatura en Endocrinología Ginecológica.
Volvió “Tiendacheques” con descuentos de hasta 70% en compras de Tienda Inglesa
El beneficio está disponible para las compras realizadas hasta el domingo 16 de octubre en productos participantes de la promoción.
Panacredit está presente en el October Motor Fest
Nacional Contenido Premium: 0Panacredit con su equipo de ventas está presente en el October Motor Fest ...
Cinemateca Nacional, el nuevo ente “censurador” de Ortega y Murillo
La Asamblea Nacional (Parlamento) de Nicaragua aprobó este jueves una reforma a la Ley Creadora de la Cinemateca Nacional, que[...]
Finance Minister Nebati meets top bankers in US
Treasury and Finance Minister Nureddin Nebati has held a meeting with the senior executives of Goldman Sachs in Washington, D.C.
Asia spent $50bn defending currencies from strong dollar
Asian governments spent about US$50 billion in foreign-exchange reserves last month -- the highest level since March 2020 -- to defend their currencies from a relentless advance in the dollar.
Sugarcane and soybean rotation boosts São Paulo’s agribusiness
São Paulo is the leading sugarcane producer in Brazil, but the crop rotation has made soybean gain more and more space in the state's plantations. According to the Center for Advanced Studies in Applied Economics (Cepea), São Paulo's agribusiness GDP grew by more than 8% in 2020, and soy represents ...
Brasile USA Portogallo
Why did Brazil become independent from Portugal while the Spanish colonies in the Americas seceded?
Brazil is the largest country in Latin America and the most powerful in economic, military, and political terms. Brazil represents almost exactly 50% of the entire population of South America. By sheer size, no other country in the region could compete in absolute terms. It accounts for more than 50% ...
Investments in Colombian startups soar and add US$10 million more
The end of the year has brought a lot of activity for Colombian startups in terms of investment with injections such as those received by Foodology (US$50 million), Elenas (US$20 million), and Vozy (US$5 million), with the addition of the digital dollar platform Zulu and the job opportunities platform HoyTrabajas. ...