Mexico’s Finance Secretary estimates economy could “easily” grow more than 5% in 2021
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – In 2020, the Mexican economy had its steepest contraction since the Great Depression and plummeted 8.5% at an annual rate, hit by the ravages of the coronavirus pandemic. The official added in a videoconference that he expects higher fiscal revenues due to the recovery of ...
“Credibility is needed to rekindle investments,” says Telefônica Brasil’s CEO
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - However, given the context experienced today in the country, with the drastic worsening of the pandemic, at this moment the vaccination of the population becomes the major priority, leaving the rest as secondary, says the CEO of Telefônica Brasil, owner of the Vivo brand, Christian ...
Diplomazia Economica Italiana 23 marzo: ultime news dal mondo
BRASILE - ACQUISIZIONE DI AZIMUT PER USD 125 MILIONI Il gruppo Azimut, attraverso la controllata AZ Brasil Holdings, ha firmato un accordo per acquisire il 100% del capitale di MZK Investimentos, societa' di "asset management" indipendente specializzata in strategie macro con oltre 600 milioni di reais...
Kenya Regno Unito
Kenya's trade deal with UK now in force
Some tariffs start to reduce after seven years. Some will not be effective until 12 years and will continue reducing slowly until 2046.
Un webinaire sur l'investissement vert en Afrique, mercredi
Dakar, 23 mars (APS) - L'ambassade du Portugal à Dakar organise, ce mercredi à partir de 15h, un webinaire pour aborder et recueillir les points de vue des secteurs publics et privés sur le développement durable et l'investissement vert en Afrique et dans l'Union européenne, indique un communiqué reçu à ...
Kolda : Journée de plaidoyer pour la promotion de l'abandon de l'excision
Kolda, 23 mars (APS) - Le Centre de conseils pour adolescents (CCA) de Kolda a organisé, mardi, une journée de plaidoyer pour la promotion de l'abandon de l'excision. - SANTE
Crisis: la economía argentina se derrumbó 9,9% en 2020
Updating Customs Union key for EU-Turkey ties: Trade minister
As European Union membership continues to be a strategic target for Turkey, updating the Customs Union will be a key step to create a positive agenda between both sides, said Turkey's trade minister on March 23.
Economia circolare, Italia prima in Europa
L'Italia conserva la leadership per l'economia circolare in Europa ma questo primato è a rischio. E' quanto emerge dal Rapporto nazionale sull' economia circolare in Italia...
Credit Agricole, sinergie per 130 milioni da integrazione con Creval
(Teleborsa) - Sarebbero pari a 130 milioni di euro le sinergie totali derivanti dall'integrazione del Credito Valtellinese in Credit Agricole Italia, secondo quanto si legge nel documento d'offerta...