Brasile Portogallo
Confront your colonial past, Council of Europe tells Portugal
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Europe’s top human rights group said on Wednesday, March 24th, that Portugal must do more to confront its colonial past and role in the transatlantic slave trade in order to help fight racism and discrimination in the country today. The comments by the Council of ...
Brasile Argentina
Mercado Libre continues to expand: Chile’s figures surpass those of Argentina
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – According to Pauta.com, in the e-commerce business, the company experienced an expressive boom in the region. And one of the places where the company of Argentine businessman Marcos Galperin was best established was Chile. “Chile is leading the region as the fastest growing country and ...
EU vaccine export curbs spark dispute among member states
Northern European countries raise concerns about commission plans
EU inspection ‘finds’ 29m AstraZeneca doses in Italy
Senior French official warns Brussels would be prepared to block export outside the EU
Downtrodden stock pickers see opportunity in rebound
Recovering US economy brings chance to beat passive rivals by identifying winners
Arabia Saudita Italia
Riad, un webinar sulle opportunità nella regione di AlUla
L’Ambasciata d’Italia a Riad, in collaborazione con la Commissione Reale per AlUla e l’ICE-Italian Trade Agency, ha organizzato un seminario virtuale (webinar) sulle opportunità di collaborazione tra l’Italia e il Regno dell’Arabia Saudita per lo sviluppo della regione di AlUla. L’evento...
Zambia, a Lusaka iniziativa italiana su economia circolare
L’ambasciata d’Italia in Zambia organizza, da oggi al 26 marzo, presso il Centro culturale italo-zambiano di Lusaka, un'iniziativa sul tema: “Trash. A better future is yet to come, let’s prepare it!”. L’obiettivo è quello di sensibilizzare l’opinione pubblica accrescendo...
Cina Italia
#FARNESINAXLEIMPRESE - Cina: si aprono le porte a meccanica e apparecchiature Made in Italy
Un portale e-commerce per le aziende italiane produttrici di macchinari e apparecchiature che ambiscono a entrare o consolidare la propria presenza in Cina. Si tratta della Equipment Exhibition Hall di Sumec, il primo importatore cinese di macchinari. Voce: Lorenzo Angeloni, Direttore Generale della...
Paesi Bassi
In twintig uur tijd werden zes vrouwen in Turkije gedood door hun (ex-)partner
In twintig uur tijd werden er zes vrouwen in Turkije om het leven gebracht door hun (ex-)partner. Actievoerders grijpen de moorden aan om te benadrukken waarom het een slechte zaak is dat Turkije het verdrag tegen vrouwengeweld heeft opgezegd. Prominenten in Nederland spreken zich nu via sociale media uit om ...
Emirati Arabi Uniti
UAE finance minister and Dubai deputy ruler, Sheikh Hamdan, dies
"Funeral prayers will be restricted to family members due to the (COVID) pandemic," Dubai Media Office tweeted.