South Korea to apply for CPTPP free trade pact membership
A Japanese government source said Tokyo needs to see if South Korea can meet high-standard free trade rules as a CPTPP member, expressing a cautious ...
Japan’s October machinery orders rise 3.8% to a 10-month high
The rise was a welcome sign that firms were spending and the broader economy was recovering, but uncertainties remain around the omicron coronavirus variant.
Lítio em Portugal. Galp anuncia parceria com suecos
A petrolífera portuguesa vai juntar-se à Northvolt, empresa produtora de baterias para carros elétricos.
Credi Suisse prevede un inverno difficile per l'economia dell'Eurozona
(Teleborsa) - "L'economia dell'Eurozona è destinata a colpire un dosso durante l'inverno", a causa di una nuova ondata di casi di coronavirus, dei timori per la nuova variante Omicron e...
España quiere atraer a ‘nómadas digitales’
El gobierno español anunció impuestos reducidos y facilidades para la obtención de visados con el objetivo de atraer a “nómadas digitales”, trabajadores asalariados o independientes que ejercen su actividad viajando gracias al teletrabajo.
Brazil Supreme Court overrules Health Ministry, demands proof of vaccination for foreign visitors
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Once again, the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court (STF), has overruled the Health Ministry; this time it has ruled that foreign travelers may not enter Brazil without a vaccine passport, eliminating the alternative of a 5-day quarantine. STF Justice Luis Roberto Barroso ruled this Saturday (11) ...
Abdoulaye Daouda Diallo : ‘'Le Sénégal est en train de se désendetter''
Dakar, 13 déc (APS) – Le Sénégal a entamé un processus de réduction de sa dette qui, de 66,7 % du produit intérieur brut (PIB) en 2021, devrait passer à 56, voire 55 % du PIB en 2023, grâce aux revenus attendus de l'exploitation des ressources pétrolières et gazières du ...
Finance minister meets with business world
Treasury and Finance Minister Nureddin Nebati has said he had a “fruitful” meeting with the representatives of the business world in Istanbul.
As Japan’s finance sector ends painful year, ex-Nomura banker vows to bring change
By taking effective control of Shinsei Bank Ltd., Yoshitaka Kitao is setting his sights on creating a banking alliance to rival the conservative old guard.
Nuova Zelanda
Group threatens legal action against Wellington council over parking changes
Business owners unhappy about the removal of 145 parking spaces on Thorndon Quay – part of a safety measure for cyclists – aren't giving up the fight.