Madeira: PS considera que orçamento da Economia coloca a nu “fragilidades” e denuncia “mentiras” das verbas a fundo perdido concedidas às empresas
Os socialistas referem que a Secretaria Regional da Economia vai atribuir menos de 45% da verba que supostamente já tinha derramado em 2020, no que diz respeito às verbas a fundo perdido atribuídas às empresas.
Immobiliare, nel 2022 a Torino e Milano si prevedono rialzi di oltre il 4%
(Teleborsa) - Se, sul fronte del mercato immobiliare, alcuni grandi centri vedranno calare i prezzi, altri continueranno a vivere una fase di rialzo: in particolare, Milano crescerà ancora del 4,2%...
KT&G suspends tobacco business in US amid growing regulations
KT&G Corp., South Korea's dominant tobacco company, will suspend its tobacco business in the United States for an unspecified period, the company said in a regulatory filing Tuesday. "We need to conduct a review of our business in
Brazil: TSE presents new electronic ballot box model for 2022 elections
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Superior Electoral Court (TSE) yesterday, December 13, presented the new electronic ballot box model to be used in the 2022 elections. The presentation was held in Manaus, at the Positivo Tecnologia plant, the company in charge of producing the equipment. According to the TSE ...
Brasile USA
Peruvian miners reject proposal to raise taxes because they say they risk US$50 billion in investments
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The union that brings together the largest mining companies in Peru today rejected the Government's proposal to raise the tax burden on the sector by at least three percentage points and said that they risk more than US$50 billion in the future investments in the ...
Brasile Ecuador
Mexico acknowledges “controversial” issues in FTA negotiations with Ecuador
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, acknowledged on Monday that there are "controversial issues" in the negotiation of the free trade agreement with Ecuador. "There are two issues there that have to do, controversial, we are seeking to resolve them. One is shrimp; the producers, ...
Diamniadio : Le village Ndoyène 1 réceptionne un forage et plusieurs infrastructures sanitaires
Dakar, 13 déc (APS) - Le village de Ndoyène 1, dans la commune de Diamniadio (Rufisque, Ouest), a réceptionné lundi un forage communautaire, une salle de vaccination, une salle de soins, une nouvelle salle d'hospitalisation et des toilettes, indique un communiqué de la Plateforme d'appui au secteur privé et à ...
Senegal Burkina Faso
Plaidoyer pour la mise en place d'un cadre d'échanges entre acteurs économiques
Dakar, 13 déc (APS) – L'ambassadeur du Burkina Faso au Sénégal, Jacob Ouédraogo, a appelé lundi, à Dakar, à la mise en œuvre de plus d'initiatives pouvant favoriser ‘'un cadre nécessaire d'expression'' entre les opérateurs économiques de deux pays. - Commerce
Martín Zuppi: “Tenemos que producir más con la mirada puesta en la exportación”
El presidente de Fiat, Jeep y RAM destaca cómo la producción local del Fiat Cronos –un vehículo que también se exporta a Brasil y otros mercados de Latinoamérica, donde es líder en su segmento- contribuye a equilibrar la balanza comercial argentina.
Economy to recover fast with low rates: Finance minister
Treasury and Finance Minister Nureddin Nebati has said he will reveal the details of Turkey’s new economic model based on production and exports to the high ranks of the ruling party and the wider public.