Giappone, PIL quarto trimestre segna peggiore contrazione dal 2014
(Teleborsa) - L'economia giapponese ha segnato la peggiore contrazione in sei anni, a causa della flessione per la spesa per consumi e i fenomeni avversi del maltempo.Secondo i dati diffusi...
Ungheria Austria
Libia, Ue divisa sull’operazione Sophia. Ancora in forse alcuni indennizzi agli italiani
Verso un nulla di fatto al Consiglio dei ministri degli Esteri Ue: Austria e Ungheria temono nuovi arrivi di migranti sulle coste europee. Rimane il rebus degli indennizzi agli italiani espulsi. Mancano all’appello 20 milioni di euro che il ministero dell’Economia trattiene per possibili ricorsi
Les banques belges hantées par les taux négatifs
Le débat fait rage depuis des semaines chez nos voisins et il s'invite désormais en Belgique. Les banques vont-elles ramener à zéro le taux d'intérêt qu'elles ...
"Le féminicide doit être un crime distinct dans la législation"
En moins de trois ans, 102 femmes ont été tuées en Belgique. Le Vrouwenraad exige que le féminicide devienne un crime distinct dans la loi. "Le ...
Nairobi Assembly resumes, vetting Anne Mwenda on agenda
Other business includes restructuring of House committees, vetting of two new CEC nominees.
Amid political stalemate, Israeli officials marking time and wasting it on red tape
'You get a salary but can’t really do anything,' says one government official. 'If we were a private business, it would've declared bankruptcy or laid off half of us,' says another
Japan suffers worst economic slump in five years
TOKYO: Japan has suffered its worst quarterly GDP contraction in more than five years, with a tax hike and a deadly typhoon taking a toll on the world's third-largest economy.
US trade preferences cut to affect 40,000 workers
Labour networks will meet Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha on March 3 to discuss ways to avert the US suspension of preferential trade privileges for Thailand under the Generalised System of Preferences (GSP).
Sales tax hike deals Japan economy biggest hit since 2014
Japan’s economy took another battering from a sales tax in the last quarter, contracting by the most in more than five years and fueling recession ...
Secil com expetativas positivas para 2020 no setor do cimento
De acordo com as estatísticas, o mercado de cimentos em Portugal em 2019 terá crescido cerca de 15% comparativamente ao período homólogo.