Francia Belgio
Revenge porn : une pratique bientôt durement sanctionnée
Vendredi dernier, Benjamin Griveaux, candidat à la mairie de Paris, annonçait le retrait de sa candidature suite à la diffusion d'une vidéo à caractère sexuel le ...
Skeyes lance la procédure pour construire des tours de contrôle digitales
Le conseil d'administration de skeyes, le responsable du trafic aérien en Belgique, a décidé lundi de lancer la procédure d'appel d'offre pour installer progressivement des tours ...
Portugal pode subsidiar cuidados de saúde dos turistas britânicos
Em declarações ao "The Guardian", a secretária de Estado do Turismo, Rita Marques, disse que o país está a examinar uma oferta unilateral, para garantir a cobertura do cartão de seguro de saúde europeu, de forma a que este continue em vigor para estes cidadãos, mesmo que o acordo não ...
Carnaval to Inject R$1 Billion into Rio’s Economy, Says Fecomércio
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The city of Rio de Janeiro has stood out, particularly in recent years, as a center of culture and leisure during the Carnaval period. Hundreds of street blocks (there were almost 500 in 2019, and more than 600 in 2018) sweep over five million people ...
Pessimistic Outlook in Russia Slows Investment, and the Economy
Growth in Russia has slowed to well below the global average as economists point to low spending by the government and the private sector.
Brasile Argentina
News from Argentina’s “Lawfare” Front: the Case of Amado Boudou
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - A scandalous fact concerning the trial of former vice-president Amado Boudou became public last week in Argentina: According to the El Destape website, the deposition of key witness Alejandro Vanderbroele has apparently been bought. Boudou was Minister of Economy under Cristina Fernández de Kirchner from ...
PIL, Boccia: possibile recessione in 2020, reagire e non aspettare
(Teleborsa) - Le previsioni su una possibile recessione in Italia nel 2020 "sono stime possibili: occorre una reazione". A dirlo il Presidente di Confindustria, Vincenzo Boccia, commentando le...
Wenn Sandkistenfreunde auf Facebook plötzlich Ramsch andrehen
Multi-Level-Marketing, bei dem der Kunde selbst zum Händler wird, ist ein Phänomen, das ausgehend von den USA gerade in sozialen Medien floriert
Is Kenya ready for 5G Internet?
Having 5G signals without re-positioning our economy to maximise returns out of it is like buying a high-speed car – maybe a Ferrari – and driving it over some pot-holed, murram road.
Zimbabwe: Country Records U.S.$6,8 Billion Forex Earnings in 2019
[The Herald] Zimbabwe received US$6,8 billion in foreign currency receipts for the year ended December 31, 2019 with the bulk of the receipts coming from export proceeds, latest figures from the 2020 Monetary Policy Statement show.