Telebras perde milhões em valor de mercado por paralisação de satélite
A 14ª Vara Cível e de Acidentes de Trabalho de Manaus suspendeu, em março, o contrato da estatal com a americana Viasat para uso do satélite
What Peace Between Eritrea and Ethiopia Will Mean for the Horn of Africa
[The Conversation Africa] No one saw it coming, but a lasting peace deal may have finally arrived for Ethiopia and its longtime sparring partner, Eritrea. The two countries, which share a common culture, language, and history, have been at odds for years.
U.S. Companies Promoting Business in Ethiopia
[Ethiopian Herald] ADDIS ABABA -- As Ethiopia explores new ways of tapping into its incredible economic potential, American Companies are promoting responsible business practices to encourage American companies to be part of the process both as investors and being exemplary for foreign investment for shared benefits, according to U.S Embassy.
Les députés votent la modification du Code des pensions de retraite des fonctionnaires
Dakar, 29 juin (APS) - L'Assemblée nationale a adopté vendredi à l'unanimité des députés présents un projet de loi modifiant le Code des pensions de retraite civiles et militaires de retraite des fonctionnaires, a constaté l'APS. Dakar, 29 juin (APS) - L'Assemblée nationale a adopté vendredi à l'unanimité des députés ...
Turchia USA
Ankara seeks swift delivery of EU aid for migrants
Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu has said Ankara hopes a 3 billion-euro aid payment to Turkey by the European Union would be delivered without delay, after EU member states approved the second tranche of the payment during a summit in Brussels.
Trump promises Ankara to take necessary steps for F-35s: Turkish FM
U.S. President Donald Trump has promised Turkey that he would take necessary steps regarding F-35 fighter jets, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu has said.
Economía.- Audax Renovables formula un proyecto común de fusión por absorción de Audax Energía
MADRID, 29 (EUROPA PRESS) Los consejos de administración de Audax Renovables y de Audax Energía han formulado un proyecto común de fusión por absorción de la primera sobre la segunda, según un documento remitido por ambas compañías a la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV).
El ministerio de economía y empresa publica la hoja de ruta para la liberación del segundo dividendo digital
Trump 'wants to quit WTO'
GENEVA: US President Donald Trump has repeatedly told top White House officials he wants the United States to withdraw from the World Trade Organization, the news website Axios reported on Friday, citing people involved in the discussions.
Import of cars and car parts not a threat to U.S. security, Tokyo says
Japan said on Friday that U.S. imports of its automobiles and auto parts are not an impediment to U.S. security and will not become one, ...