USA Etiopia
U.S. Companies Exploring Business Opportunities Following the Reform
[Ethiopian Herald] The US Embassy Commercial Service in Ethiopia has been identifying trade and investment opportunities for U.S. companies in the priority areas such as renewable energy, aviation, health-care, hospitality and tourism, roads and railways, textile, and agricultural business.
Le verdict de la Cour de justice de la CEDEAO sur l'affaire Khalifa Sall fait la Une des quotoidiens
Dakar, 30 juin (APS) - Le verdict de la Cour de justice de la CEDEAO dans l'affaire Khalifa Sall, du nom de l'actuel maire de Dakar, condamné le 30 mars dernier à 5 ans de prison pour détournement de deniers publics, est le sujet le plus en exergue dans la ...
Erdoğan meets US senators over Brunson’s detention and F-35 sales
United States senators Lindsay Graham and Jeanne Shaheen held a surprise meeting with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in the Turkish capital on late June 29, the president’s office announced, in which the detention of Pastor Andrew Brunson as well as other troubled bilateral issues have been reportedly discussed.
Foreign students detained over FETÖ links in Turkey's south
Some 16 foreign students -- 10 from Somalia, three from Djibouti, two from Guinea and one from Syria -- were rounded up for their alleged links to the Fethullahist Terror Organization (FETÖ) in the southern Mersin province, state-run Anadolu Agency reported on June 30, citing the Chief Prosecutor's Office.
Le Conseil d'Etat suspend l'exportation d'armes wallonnes vers l'Arabie saoudite
Le Conseil d'Etat a suspendu vendredi une poignée de licences d'exportation d'armes de la FN Herstal vers l'Arabie saoudite, écrivent samedi L'Echo, Le Soir et La Libre Belgique. Le Conseil d'Etat a estimé que le gouvernement wallon n'a pas examiné la question des droits fondamentaux.
Petrobras poderá nacionalizar equipamentos de subsidiária holandesa
O Ministério do Planejamento autorizou hoje (29), por meio de uma portaria, o uso de R$ 32,7 bilhões da Petrobras para a aquisição de equipamentos submarinos que estavam sob propriedade de sua subsidiária holandesa, a Petrobras Netherlands B.V. (PNBV). As máquinas, que já são usadas no Brasil, serão nacionalizadas e incorporadas ao ...
Anac: passagens aéreas tiveram aumento em todas as regiões do país
O preço médio das passagens aéreas durante o primeiro trimestre deste ano foi 7,9% superior aos valores médios cobrados no mesmo período de 2017, já descontada a inflação. Segundo dados divulgados hoje (29), pela Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil (Anac), a tarifa média paga entre janeiro e março foi de R$ 361,03, o ...
Pharmaceutical lobby groups clash over drug imports
But rival group, Kenya Pharmaceutical Distribution Association says the products they import are genuine and brought into the country legally.
Low State uptake slows down vehicle sales
Nissan Kenya is projecting little improvement in sales this year, after a flat performance last year, due to the Government making few orders for cars
Cards firm extends deal with Equity
American Express and Equity Bank have extended their current partnership, making Equity Bank Kenya the exclusive merchant acquirer in Kenya.