La Asociación Interim Management España (AIME) se incorpora a la CEOE
La Asociación Interim Management España (AIME) ha formalizado su acuerdo de adhesión a la Confederación Española de Organizaciones Empresariales (CEOE), según han informado ambas organizaciones en un comunicado.
Economía/Finanzas.- Bankia abona 186 millones de euros a casi 37.000 clientes por el reembolso de cláusulas suelo
MADRID, 25 (EUROPA PRESS) Bankia ha abonado más de 186 millones de euros a cerca de 37.000 clientes en concepto de devolución de cláusulas suelo, en el marco del procedimiento exprés que la entidad puso en marcha en sus oficinas el pasado 3 de febrero, según han informado ...
Manovra, vertice a Palazzo Chigi: il governo ora cerca 15 miliardi
ROMA Il cantiere della manovra d'autunno è ufficialmente aperto. Appena rientrato dalle ferie, il ministro dell'Economia Pier Carlo Padoan, si è recato a Palazzo Chigi per un...
Germania, l'economia si mostra ancora solida ad agosto
(Teleborsa) - Si dimostrano solide le condizioni economiche in Germania, mostrando così il persistere di un sentiment positivo nel mondo degli affari, influenzato anche dal...
Germania, nuovo calo per i prezzi import a luglio
(Teleborsa) - Nuove spinte deflazionistiche per la Germania, dove i prezzi praticati nel commercio estero evidenziano una contrazione inattesa. Nel mese di luglio, si è registrato un decremento...
L'economia tedesca si conferma in crescita
(Teleborsa) - L'economia della Germania si conferma in espansione nel secondo trimestre del 2017. Il PIL, infatti, viene visto in crescita dello 0,6% rispetto ai tre mesi precedenti, come indicato...
Germania Regno Unito Irlanda
40,000 jobs could be created in Frankfurt after Brexit
Frankfurt could become a miniature version of London after Brexit, a city official has predicted, after a study said tens of thousands of jobs would be created, bolstering Germany's banking capital. The research, commissioned by the city's chief promoter, is the first comprehensive tally on possible job creation in Frankfurt, as ...
8,000 trees to be planted as minister calls for better law enforcement
Environment Minister Jose Herrera this morning called for better enforcement of laws in valleys and other green spaces, insisting that efforts to protect these areas needed to be stepped up. Addressing journalists at Wied Blandun in Paola, Dr Herrera described Malta's valleys as "the country's lungs" and insisted it was high ...
Marine fuel station 'fully compliant' with rules
Updated Friday 9am A routine inspection only served to confirm "beyond any doubt" that a marine fuel station operated by Galea General Services Limited in Gozo is fully compliant with all laws, rules and regulations, according to the operators. "The routine inspection only served to confirm beyond any doubt that Galea General Services Limited ...
USA Giappone
Low world inflation dogs central bankers, even as economies grow
As the world's top central bankers gather in Jackson Hole, their confidence is bolstered by a sustained return to economic growth that may eventually allow the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan to follow the Federal Reserve in winding down their crisis-era policies. Yet in one key area, none ...