Cade aprova venda de ativos da Cemig para Taesa
Cemig vendeu participações minoritárias em três empresas concessionárias de transmissão de energia elétrica que atuam em Minas Gerais
Motorists to wait longer for cheaper parking fee
For the change to be implemented, members of the Nairobi County Assembly must alter the County Finance Bill.
Five Ways to publicize your business for free
At the early stages of business development, free publicity can be a such a saving grace for start-ups, helping them save cost and drive sustainability, while giving the business much needed public exposure at the same time. Jumia Travel, the leading online travel agency, shares 5 ways to publicize ...
Afreximbank, finance professionals to meet on structured trade finance
The African Export-Import Bank’s (Afreximbank) says it is committed to boosting African trade by enhancing the capacity of African professionals on international trade and trade-related project financing issues. The bank said that as part of its efforts in this regard, it is organising a workshop for stakeholders on Structured Trade ...
Portugal gastou 6% do PIB na saúde (abaixo da média europeia)
O país despendeu 6,2% do PIB em despesas de saúde em 2015, de acordo com os dados do Eurostat divulgados esta sexta-feira. O valor encontra-se acima da média europeia.
Mobilité à Bruxelles: voici les principaux chantiers de la rentrée
Rue de la Loi, chaussée d'Ixelles, avenue Franklin Roosevelt, boulevard Général Jacques, tunnels Reyers et Porte de Hal, les automobilistes devront encore prendre leur mal en patience dans les prochains mois à Bruxelles en raison de la poursuite d'un certain nombre de chantiers importants. Voici un aperçu des principales perturbations ...
Signature d'un protocole de partenariat entre le PUMA et l'ONFP, vendredi
Dakar, 24 août (APS) - Le Programme d'urgence de modernisation des axes et territoites frontaliers (PUMA) signe un protocole de partenariat avec l'Office national de formation professionnelle (ONFP), vendredi, à partir de 10 heures, à la Résidence Mamoune, sur la VDN, à Dakar, annonce un communiqué. - SOCIETE
US steel executives appeal directly to Trump for import restrictions
American steel industry executives have appealed directly to President Donald Trump for immediate import restrictions in a letter seen by Reuters, as a U.S. Commerce Department national security probe languishes and steel imports surge back to 2015 levels.
Turkey will never be EU member under Erdoğan: German FM
Turkey will never be a member of the European Union as long as it is governed by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said on Aug. 24, accusing the Turkish president of failing to take accession talks with the bloc seriously.
Economía.- La Asociación Interim Management España (AIME) se incorpora a la CEOE
br /> MADRID, 25 (EUROPA PRESS) La Asociación Interim Management España (AIME) ha formalizado su acuerdo de adhesión a la Confederación Española de Organizaciones Empresariales (CEOE), según han informado ambas organizaciones en un comunicado.