• Regno Unito Malta

    The shock waves continue

    This week the UK ambassador to the European Union resigned from his post. It is an event that may mean a lot or may mean nothing at all. However, it does increase the uncertainty as to the type of Brexit the UK government will opt for: will it be a ...

  • Cina USA Hong Kong

    China’s choices narrowing as it burns through forex reserves to support yuan

    As China’s foreign exchange reserves threaten to tumble below the critical $3 trillion mark, the biggest fear for investors is not whether Beijing can continue to defend the yuan but whether it will set off a vicious cycle of more outflows and currency depreciation. Data this week is expected to show ...

  • Malta

    Today's newspapers in review

    These are the main stories featured in today's Maltese newspapers: Times of Malta reports that the European Commission is at odds with Malta over the classification of its spending on the rotating six-month EU presidency. It also reports that Parliament plans to spend a maximum €10,000 on official silverplatedcufflinks costing about €10 ...

  • USA

    Uber drivers judged to be employees by Swiss insurance provider

    Uber drivers are employees for which the company must pay social security contributions, a Swiss insurance agency has ruled, dealing a blow to the US ride-hailing platform that says drivers are freelance contractors. The California-based start-up whose cab service has expanded worldwide stands accused in many countries of bypassing national labour ...

  • Malta

    Enemalta continues dismantling of HFO-fired plants

    Enemalta plc said it is continuing the decommissioning and dismantling of its old, HFO-fired plants at Marsa and Marsaxlokk as part of its plan for the development of an efficient, environment-friendly electricity generation mix for the Maltese Islands.A few days ago, the Company, in collaboration with the relevant Government of ...

  • USA Panama

    Opinion: The two Mizzis - Claudette Buttigieg

    Many readers my age and older remember the British comic duo “The two Ronnies.” This show was very popular in the 1980s. A classic comedy and sketch show featuring Ronnie Barker (who also often wrote the sketches, and who passed away in 2005) and Ronnie Corbett (who passed away last ...

  • Malta

    Fraudulent telephone scheme making rounds across the island

    A telephone fraud scheme is currently circulating in Malta, the police have revealed through a statement issued this afternoon.It said that in the last few days, a number of people have received phone calls – both via their mobile as well as on land lines – where an unknown person ...

  • Malta

    Updated: Manufacturing section of Leisure Clothing closes its doors

    The manufacturing section of Leisure Clothing, the company at the heart of human trafficking allegations against its directors, has closed its doors, the Malta Independent can reveal.In 2015 Managing director Han Bin, from San Gwann, and marketing director Jia Liu, from Birzebugga, have been charged with human trafficking and breaching a number ...

  • Italia

    Nel giorno dell'Epifania, Milano schiva le vendite

    (Teleborsa) - Avvio all'insegna del ribasso per la seduta finanziaria delle borse europee, mentre Piazza Affari resiste al vento delle vendite. In una giornata in cui a Milano gli scambi sono...

  • Germania

    Germania: a novembre vendite al dettaglio -1,8% su mese +3,2% anno

    (Teleborsa) - Cala il commercio al dettaglio in Germania del mese di novembre. Il commercio al dettaglio ha registrato un calo mensile dell' 1,8% in termini reali e dell' 1,6% in termini...