• Spagna

    Economía/Empresas.- Huawei prevé incrementar un 42% su facturación en 2016

    MADRID, 6 (EUROPA PRESS) Huawei Consumer Business Group prevé obtener una facturación de 178.000 millones de yuanes (24.343 millones de euros) en el ejercicio 2016, lo que representa un incremento del 42% respecto al año anterior y supone el quinto año consecutivo de incrementos de ventas, según informó ...

  • USA Giappone

    Asahi Kasei might skip Mexico, opt for U.S. expansion instead

    Asahi Kasei Corp. is thinking of expanding its bases in the United States rather than starting up operations in Mexico, President Hideki Kobori says. “We’re considering expanding into Mexico, but depending on the course of events, expanding U.S. bases may be a better idea,” Kobori said in a recent interview. ...

  • Brasile

    Ministro da Justiça desiste de ir a Roraima

    A ida do ministro da Justiça, Alexandre de Moraes, à Boa Vista (RR) foi cancelada após o presidente Michel Temer conversar no início da tarde desta sexta-feira (6/1), por telefone, com a governadora do Estado, Suely Campos. O desembarque do ministro na capital de Roraima foi ...

  • Brasile

    Tribunal de Contas nega pedido para suspender contratos de presídios do AM

    O Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Amazonas (TCE-AM) negou o pedido de suspensão dos contratos com empresas gestoras de unidades prisionais no Estado, feito pelo Ministério Público de Contas (MPC-AM), após massacre que deixou 56 mortos no Complexo Penitenciário Anísio Jobim (Compaj), em Manaus. O órgão, no entanto, estabeleceu ...

  • Brasile

    Peritos do Amazonas prometem parar IML por tempo indeterminado

    Peritos criminais do Amazonas prometem interromper o trabalho no Instituto Médico Legal (IML), responsável por reconhecer os corpos de presos mortos no massacre do Complexo Penitenciário Anísio Jobim (Compaj), em Manaus, a partir da manhã desta sexta-feira (6/1)."Nós vamos fazer uma paralisação por tempo indeterminado, com indicativo de greve", afirmou ...

  • Brasile

    Automotive Sales, Production to Grow in Brazil in 2017

    By Lise Alves, Senior Contributing Reporter SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL – After a year of declines in both vehicle production and sales, automakers expect the market to recover in 2017 according to the National Automobile Manufacturers Association (Anfavea). Anfavea estimates that sales will grow by four percent this year compared to the ...

  • Brasile

    Opinion: Rio’s Evil Export

    Opinion, by Michael Royster RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – The year 2016 ended in a flurry of mostly natural deaths of famous people around the world; 2017 began with the entirely un-natural deaths of 56 un-famous people in a Manaus prison. Deaths with disfigurement, up to and including decapitation. Deaths ...

  • USA

    Watch: Gunman kills 5 at Florida airport

    Updated 10.10pm A gunman wearing a Star Wars T-shirt opened fire at a baggage carousel at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport today, killing five people before being taken into custody, officials and witnesses said. Five people died and eight were wounded in the incident, Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel told reporters at the airport. The ...

  • USA Malta

    Malta and European Commission at odds over €40m presidency spending

    The European Commission is at odds with Malta over the classification of its spending on the rotating six-month EU presidency. The Malta Fiscal Advisory Council (MFAC) said in a report and letter sent to Finance Minister Edward Scicluna that it was in agreement with the Commission’s view that spending on the ...

  • Regno Unito Italia

    Brexit eats into Jamie Oliver's Italian restaurants

    Jamie Oliver is to close six Jamie's Italian restaurants as the celebrity chef is hit by a combination of rising Brexit cost pressures and tough trading. The closures will impact 120 staff, although the company will attempt to place those affected in other parts of Oliver's restaurant empire. Restaurants in Aberdeen, Cheltenham, ...