• Giappone

    Keidanren to again call on companies to raise wages, shorten working hours

    The Keidanren business lobby plans to urge its member companies to raise incomes on an annual basis in this year’s shunto (spring wage talks) between labor and management. This will be the fourth consecutive year that the nation’s biggest business lobby has made such a request. According to a final ...

  • Giappone

    Japan pledges to promote infrastructure investment in Czech Republic

    Japan will encourage domestic companies to invest in the Czech Republic, especially when infrastructure development projects are involved, Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida said Sunday after meeting Czech counterpart Lubomir Zaoralek in Prague. Kishida and Zaoralek also agreed to expand bilateral cooperation in energy, including nuclear power. At a joint news ...

  • Italia

    Alitalia may slash 2,000 jobs as its struggles persist

    Alitalia and its shareholders are to present its new business plan to the Italian government later today, top investor Etihad Airways said. Italy's loss-making national carrier on December 22 approved a short-term financing deal and a new strategy, including job cuts, that allowed it to start negotiations with stakeholders. Alitalia and its ...

  • Malta

    Hit-and-run driver had too much to drink, court told

    A driver who allegedly killed a dog and grievously injured its owner before speeding away from the scene last Saturday was over the legal alcohol limit at the time, a court heard today. Ahmad Abu Hassan, 54 and born in Syria, was arraigned today and charged with negligent and dangerous driving ...

  • Cina Panama Malta

    Cheaper oil, same fuel prices: the factors at play

    Eyebrows have been raised as to why in 2017, when the international price of oil per barrel is currently at $52, unleaded petrol costs €1.31, when in 2011, while the price of oil per barrel was $95, the cost was also €1.31.In a simple world, one would imagine that when ...

  • Regno Unito

    London commuters face stress in subway strike

    Millions of commuters cycled, trudged and waited in snaking bus queues Monday as a strike by London Underground station staff shut down much of the city's subway network.Scores of Tube stations and many of the city's subway lines were closed during the morning rush hour, forcing Londoners to walk, use ...

  • Turchia USA Malta

    Trade deficit in November drops by almost half - NSO

    Preliminary figures show that Malta registered a trade deficit of €102.8 million in November 2016, compared to €194.5 million in the corresponding month of 2015, the NSO said today.Provisional data for international trade show that the trade deficit in November stood at €102.8 million, down by €91.7 million when compared ...

  • Cina Malta

    Government whip committed to see EU Presidency meetings don’t hinder Parliament work

    The much anticipated EU Council Presidency has landed onto the Maltese government’s lap, involving the government as a whole and its individual ministers in an unprecedented six months of juggling between what is national and what needs to be done on a European level.But despite the numerous meetings and commitments ...

  • Turchia Grecia Cipro

    Endgame looms in efforts to reunite Cyprus after 43 years

    The division of Cyprus is now in its 43rd year. Next week may mark the decisive moment when the small eastern Mediterranean island nation starts to be stitched back together again.After 19 months of talks aimed at reunifying the internationally recognized Greek Cypriot south with the breakaway Turkish Cypriot north, ...

  • USA Malta

    Lost in translation: The younger generation’s failure to grasp a foreign language

    More than one out of every four students chooses not to sit for any foreign language SEC exam, despite having studied the particular subject for more than five years. This, together with other worrying trends, emerges in a study conducted by Dr Mario Pace, Resident Senior Lecturer at the Faculty ...