Finance news you need to know today
RECESSION-HIT Venezuela’s imports plunged by more than half in 2016 as the nation prioritised debt payments despite chronic product shortages.
Número de assinantes de TV paga no Brasil cai 1,8% até novembro
Entre as quatro grandes operadoras, a única a ganhar mercado foi a Oi, segundo a Anatel
Ladrões entram pelos fundos e levam R$ 300 mil de banco em Sorocaba
Dois homens armados entraram pela porta dos fundos, renderam funcionários e levaram um malote com cerca de R$ 300 mil de uma agência do banco Santander, no início da tarde desta segunda-feira (9/1), em Sorocaba. A ação foi rápida e funcionários e clientes que estavam na agência ...
Rio cria grupo exclusivo contra tráfico de drogas e armas
A Secretaria de Segurança do Rio de Janeiro anunciou nesta segunda-feira, 9, a criação de um grupo com dedicação exclusiva para combater o tráfico de drogas e armas no Estado. Segundo o secretário Roberto Sá, o objetivo do Grupo Integrado de Operações de Segurança Pública (Giosp) ...
USA Kenya
Free maternity shunned for traditional birth attendants
With free maternity services not significantly reducing mother and child deaths at birth since their introduction in 2013, focus is turning to traditional birth attendants (TBAs) in the fight against maternal mortality. Some 65 per cent of women in pastoralist communities still seek the services of TBAs instead of delivering ...
Business: Exports to Uganda dip by 20pc as trade volume contracts
Kenya's exports to Uganda declined by 20 per cent in the first 10 months of 2016 in a worrying trend that has seen the country lose out in other key markets.
Business: Farmers develop taste for insects as drought hurts crops
The knee-high dome on Ikung'u Kathimbu's farm in Weru village, eastern Kenya, shelters an unusual crop: a termite swarm.
Business Beat: Farmers develop taste for insects as drought hurts crops
The knee-high dome on Ikung'u Kathimbu's farm in Weru village, eastern Kenya, shelters an unusual crop: a termite swarm.
Business News: Exports to Uganda dip by 20pc as trade volume contracts
Kenya's exports to Uganda declined by 20 per cent in the first 10 months of 2016 in a worrying trend that has seen the country lose out in other key markets.
Business: State's challenge in increasing exports while slowing imports
Despite whom we elect in the coming elections, Kenya will be increasing its exports while reducing imports.