• Egitto Turchia

    Updated: Istanbul gunman captured after more than 2 weeks on run

    Turkish authorities captured the gunman who carried out the deadly New Year's nightclub attack in Istanbul, with officials saying Tuesday that he's an Uzbekistan national who trained in Afghanistan.Prime Minister Binali Yildirim told reporters in Ankara that the man was being questioned by police and expressed hope that the interrogation ...

  • USA Regno Unito

    Updated (5): UK's May signals clean break with EU - No partial membership

    More than six months after Britain voted to leave the European Union, British Prime Minister Theresa May finally spelled out what it means: The U.K. will make a clean break from the EU and leave its single market of around 500 million people.In her most detailed remarks since the June 23 vote, ...

  • Russia USA Malta

    'Government committed to keep looking for a strategic partner for Air Malta' - Edward Zammit Lewis

    Tourism Minister Edward Zammit Lewis said this evening while delivering a ministerial statement in Parliament that government is committed to keep looking for a strategic partner for Air Malta.Through such a partner, he explained, "Air Malta would find an extensive route network, better logistics etc."He said that there is already ...

  • Egitto Turchia USA Malta

    George Vella attends first Foreign Affairs Council Meeting during Malta’s Presidency

    Foreign Affairs Minister George Vella today addressed his European Union counterparts for the first time since Malta assumed the Presidency of the Council of the EU. “During a discussion concerning possible issues that will make it to the Council’s agenda in the coming months, High Representative Federica Mogherini and several ...

  • Malta

    PN calls on government to seriously consider proposals presented by Opposition for Air Malta

    The Nationalist Party has called on the government to seriously consider the proposals presented by the Opposition regarding Air Malta.Addressing a press conference, Shadow Minister for the Economy Claudio Grech, accompanied by spokespersons Antoine Borg and Censu Galea, said that the PN will remain pro-active and positive on the future ...

  • Malta

    NGOs vow to fight for the right to protect the environment

    Flimkien għal  Ambjent Aħjar, Friends of the Earth Malta, the Ramblers Association of Malta and the Qui-si-Sana Residents Association - the organizations which are appealing  the PA's approval of the Townsquare and Mriehel high-rises, say they will continue to defend their right to work to protect the environment.Refer to the Planning Authority's attempt ...

  • Serbia Malta

    36% of local businesses experience increase in sales during 2016, 29% register decrease

    36% of the local businesses have registered an increase of more than 30% in sales during the year 2016 when compared to the sales reported in the previous year. Another 36% reported more or less the same sales when comparing the two years.This information emerges in a survey carried out ...

  • Panama Malta

    LIVE: Former Panama Papers probe member giving talk on ending corruption

    Joseph Stiglitz, the man who formed part of the Panama Papers Probe and left due a severe lack of transparency in the Panamanian financial system, will be giving a talk on combating and ending corruption at World Economic Forum Annual Meeting. The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos-Klosters  is seen ...

  • USA Malta

    Doctors take Medicines Authority to court over introduction of Morning-After-Pill

    Two doctors have filed a judicial protest against the Medicines Authority, saying they will hold it responsible for the consequences of introducing abortifacient Morning-After-Pill products. Dr Miriam Sciberras and Dr Klaus Vella Bardon filed the protest against Professor Anthony Serracino Inglott, the Chairman of the Medicines Authority.They said that they ...

  • Brasile

    IMF Reduces Forecast for Brazil GDP Growth in 2017

    By Jay Forte, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – On Monday January 16th, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced that it had reduced its forecast of Brazilian GDP growth from 1.5 percent to 0.2 percent in 2017. The estimate is more pessimistic than that of financial institutions, which projected ...