• Russia USA

    Inauguration in sight, Trump continues Twitter assault

    His inauguration days away, President-elect Donald Trump is continuing to lash out at critics in the intelligence community and Democrats in Congress who are vowing to skip his swearing-in ceremony.The tough-talking Republican questioned whether the CIA director himself was "the leaker of fake news" in a Sunday night tweet.The extraordinary ...

  • Russia USA Francia Israele Malta Libano Italia

    Malta raises alarm on Russia-backed Libyan warlord

    A Russia-backed Libyan warlord could start a “civil war” in Libya, increasing refugee flows to the EU, Malta has warned.EUObserver reported that the danger comes as the Libyan commander, Khalifa Haftar, advances on Tripoli, the seat of the UN-recognised government, Malta’s foreign minister, George Vella, told press in Valletta on ...

  • USA Israele

    Dozens of countries urge Israel, Palestinians to commit to a 2-state solution

    Sending a forceful message to Israel's prime minister and the incoming Trump administration, dozens of countries called Sunday on Israel and the Palestinians to revive work toward long-elusive peace - including an independent Palestinian state.The closing declaration at a Mideast peace conference in Paris urged both sides to "officially restate their commitment to the ...

  • Egitto Turchia Etiopia Nigeria Malta Italia

    PM Muscat forecasts 'record levels' for number of migrants crossing Mediterranean

    Tens of thousands of people seeking better lives are expected to trek across deserts and board unseaworthy boats in war-torn Libya this year in a desperate effort to reach European shores by way of Italy.More than 181,000 people, most so-called "economic migrants" with little chance of being allowed to stay ...

  • USA Malta

    Swieqi’s increasing problems with security, noise and vandalism - Swieqi mayor Noel Muscat

    What is the current situation in Swieqi? The current situation is a result of many years, security was always an issue. When I first became mayor, four and half years ago, it was the main problem. Take a look at Halloween, it used to be absolute havoc, but with cooperation ...

  • USA Regno Unito Malta

    Agreement signed between MCAST and Vitals Global Healthcare for new nursing degree programme

    Vitals Global Healthcare and MCAST today signed an agreement establishing a nursing degree programme, in collaboration with Northumbria University. VGH officials said that the degree shall explicitly meet all of the requirements of the EU Directive for General Nursing; the Malta Council for Nurses and Midwives' Scope of Professional Practice; and ...

  • USA Regno Unito Malta

    Editorial: Air Malta’s agony

    We have by now got used to the various statements by Minister Edward Zammit Lewis with regards to the hot potato dumped in his lap – Air Malta.Up till last Friday, when the government finally admitted what everyone had long known – that the deal with Alitalia is dead in ...

  • Malta

    BirdLife says injured mute swan seen in St Thomas Bay

    An injured mute swan was sighted in St Thomas Bay in Marsascala, BirdLife said in a statement.The sighting of another juvenile mute swan, this time at St Thomas Bay delighted those who had the opportunity to observe it in the early morning today. “Unfortunately it was evident after a while that ...

  • Malta

    Updated: PL slams Opposition Leader over Foundation for Tomorrow’s Schools; PN responds

    The Labour Party today slammed Opposition Leader Simon Busuttil on the state in which the Foundation for Tomorrow's Schools was found back in 2013, with the PL saying that it was €80 million in debt and had millions in unpaid bills."The irony is that the PN media are describing the ...

  • Malta

    €4 million given by government to Karin Grech Hospital not for bed capacity – VGH CEO

    The €4 million given to Karin Grech Hospital by government were operational funds, and are spent on paying salaries and ensuring that the hospital continues to run as it did before, Vitals Global Healthcare CEO Armin Ernst told The Malta Independent.A VGH statement published last week said that VGH Karin ...