A history of violence

    WITH awful, numbing regularity Americans use high-powered, high-capacity firearms to carry out mass shootings. And with awful regularity, efforts to reform America’s gun laws in the wake of such tragedies fail. (Indeed, a recent paper published by the Harvard Business School found that a mass shooting leads to a 75% ...

  • USA

    No business like show business

    Bastard, orphan, hero, scholar “HAMILTON”, a hip-hop musical about one of America’s founding fathers and the architect of its financial system, is an unlikely smash. Lin-Manuel Miranda’s creation has been the hottest ticket on Broadway since the show started in July last year. On June 12th it won 11 Tony awards, ...

  • Turchia

    Turkish businessman calls for normalized ties with Israel

    Normalizing diplomatic relations with Israel would help bolster the trade volume between Turkey and Israel, according to the chairman of the Turkish-Israeli Business Council at Turkey’s Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEİK)

  • Turchia Iran

    Turkey aims to triple trade with Iran: Minister

    Turkey aims to triple trade with Iran to $30 billion as quickly as possible after the lifting of economic sanctions made banking transactions with the country easier, Turkish Customs and Trade Minister Bülent Tüfenkçi said in an interview

  • Turchia

    Turkey not regretful about downing Russian jet, but ‘sad’: Economy minister

    Turkey has no regrets over the downing of a Russian jet last year but is “sad about the result,” according to Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci

  • Turchia

    Despite Brexit noise and migrant woes, Turkey committed to EU ties: Şimşek

    Turkey remains committed to closer ties with the European Union despite strains in the relationship, and wants to deepen a customs union to become the bloc’s third largest trade partner, Deputy Prime Minister Mehmet Şimşek said in an interview

  • Russia

    SPIEF Day One: Highlights

    The first day of St. Petersburg International Economic Forum kicked off on Thursday, with 10,000 visitors joining political and business leaders at Russia's biggest economic event of the year.

  • Brasile

    Ministro diz que mercado de trabalho deve se recuperar em julho

    O ministro do Trabalho e Previdência Social, Ronaldo Nogueira, reafirmou hoje (16) que acredita em uma recuperação do mercado de trabalho a partir de julho. Com aumento de 11,2% nos últimos três meses, o desemprego no país atinge 11,4 milhões de pessoas. Segundo ele, a recuperação do mercado de trabalho ...

  • Brasile

    Desemprego derruba Intenção de Consumo para patamar mínimo

    Intenção de consumo das famílias brasileiras teve mais uma queda em junho e chegou a um novo patamar mínimo histórico, de 68,7 pontos, em uma escala de 0 a 200Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil A intenção de consumo das famílias brasileiras teve mais uma queda em junho e chegou a um novo ...

  • Brasile

    Sistema financeiro está rígido mesmo com incerteza política, diz diretor do BC

    O diretor de Fiscalização do Banco Central (BC), Anthero de Moraes Meirelles, disse hoje (16) que o sistema financeiro brasileiro está “rígido”, a despeito do momento desafiador de grandes incertezas políticas e de desafios na área econômica. Ele fez a declaração na abertura do Seminário Internacional de Planejamento da Recuperação ...