Regno Unito Croazia
È caduto il governo in Croazia.
È caduto il governo in Croazia. Il parlamento ha sfiduciato il primo ministro, il tecnocrate Tihomir Orešković, in un voto richiesto dal principale partito della coalizione di governo, i conservatori dell’Unione democratica croata (Hdz). L’Hdz ha intenzione di proporre come nuovo premier l’attuale ministro dell’economia, Zdravko Marić. Se non sarà ...
Francia Senegal
Non-lieu dans l'affaire le Joola : les familles des victimes comptent continuer le combat (président)
Dakar, 16 juin (APS) – Le président national de l'Association des victimes et rescapés du naufrage du bateau le Joola, Boubacar Ba a fait part jeudi, son intention de poursuivre ‘' le combat de la justice'' après l'annonce du non-lieu par la Cour d'Appel de Paris. Dakar, 16 juin (APS) ...
Bank Indonesia cuts benchmark interest rate to 6.5%
JAKARTA - Indonesia's central bank cut its benchmark interest rate again by a quarter point to 6.5% on Thursday amid slow and uneven recovery of the global economy.
Face à une offre abondante, Casablanca réajuste ses prix
A Casablanca, les prix ont légèrement diminué de près de 1%, avec une baisse de 1,7% pour les appartements et 3,2% pour les biens à usage professionnel (Ph. L’Economiste)
Vietnam Myanmar
A new shared journey
Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam and Thailand (CLMVT) are being urged to embark on a new journey of mutual trade, using more technology to link trade information, jointly developing regional products, and tackling non-tariff barriers.
Nortenhos são os que mais querem viajar
Residentes no Porto e Norte lideram nas intenções de fazer férias fora de casa neste verão. Gasto médio por pessoa será de 425euro.
Desde Colombia, Mauricio Macri pronosticó nuevas inversiones por US$ 4000 millones
India Pakistan
Stocks and stones
IN JULY 2008 outraged investors in Karachi, Pakistan’s commercial capital, pelted the local stock exchange with stones after a plunge in share prices. In Lahore investors blocked the road to the city’s exchange with burning tyres. In Islamabad a mob set fire to share certificates. The panicked exchanges simply prohibited ...
Diving into the mire
WHEN Wells Fargo’s competitors were spending fortunes building up big investment-banking operations in the 1980s and 1990s, the bank’s chief executive at the time, Richard Kovacevich, refused to follow suit, joking that the business would be a good one to get into were it not for all the people who ...
Cina India
A governor with a view
You cut the deficit, I’ll cut rates RAGHURAM RAJAN need not even leave his office atop the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) tower in Mumbai to gauge two factors central to India’s prosperity. Looking down, the ships sailing to nearby docks provide clues as to the buoyancy of foreign trade: the ...