• Nigeria

    FOI Act: Over 60 CSOs, Media Review Its Implementation 5 Years After

    Over 60 Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and Media Organisations on Monday began a workshop to review the implementation of the Freedom of Information Act, five years after its existence. It is to be recalled that the Nigeria’s Freedom of Information Act was passed into law on May 28 2011. The ...

  • Francia

    Algérie-France : comment se faire élire en promettant l’enfer économique plutôt que le paradis

    En Algérie comme en France, la gouvernance politique devra faire avaler des potions amères aux électeurs en 2017. Peut-on gagner des élections en faisant la promesse d’une purge brutale des déficits publics ? Examinons l’Algérie d’abord. Les partis politiques sont sur la ligne de départ des législatives du printemps prochain. ...

  • Italia

    L’industrie amorce-t-elle son réveil ?

    Depuis l’an 2000, les annonces s’enchaînent sur la relance du secteur industriel à travers ses différentes filières. Des annonces suivies de mesures portant appui au privé, de programmes de mise à niveau et de plans de redressement, d’assainissement et de réorganisation du secteur public, mais aussi de révision du code ...

  • Uruguay Algeria

    Le partenariat pour relancer des filières dormantes

    Médicaments, textiles, automobile, mines, mécanique, machinisme agricole, matériaux de construction sont autant de filières industrielles où les Investissements directs étrangers (IDE) et les projets de partenariat sont annoncés périodiquement. Parallèlement, Renault, Wolkswagen, Massey Fergusson, Liebehrr, Sampo, General Electric, Alstom, Hyundai, Deutz, Mercedes Benz, ZF et bien d’autres figurent parmi les ...

  • Australia

    Hanegbi in Australia paving way for PM visit

    "My meeting with the foreign minister included a number of central issues, including the prime minister's visit, the efforts of the coalition against ISIS in Mosul that includes Australia."

  • USA

    WHO and UNFPA deliver life-saving health care to populations in Eastern Mosul

    Source: UN Population Fund, World Health Organization Country: IraqTwo WHO mobile medical clinics were deployed to eastern Mosul as soon as access was possible, marking the first time that health aid reached people in the area since June 2014.27 November 2016, Erbil, Iraq – WHO and UNFPA are scaling up primary ...

  • Tanzania: Tanzanians Advised to Explore UAE Business Opportunities

    [Daily News] Tanzanians can now take advantage of conducting business transactions with United Arab Emirates countries that are eager to invest.

  • Etiopia

    Ethiopia: Nation Continues to Be FDI Destination

    [Ethiopian Herald] Despite the recent turmoil in some parts of the country, the Ethiopian economic outlook for the past months has reportedly been not bad. The Ethiopian Investment Commission recently announced that the "unrest has not caused serious impact on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flow into the country."

  • Etiopia

    Avenue to Showcase Ethiopia's Tourism Blessings

    [Ethiopian Herald] Uniquely, Ethiopia is endowed with myriad of tourists attractions. To everyone's surprise the mix of the attractions encompass natural, historical, cultural, and archaeological ones. Over the years, due to poor infrastructure and passive promotional works, the nation's tourism resources have not been marketed for its immense in store. ...

  • Etiopia

    A Seasoned Financial Scholar - Prof. Dr. Fisseha-Tsion Mengistu

    [Ethiopian Herald] Today's Herald Guest is Prof. Dr. Fisseha-Tsion Mengistu who was a public policy, legal and tax advisor to the Ministry of Finance during the era of Emperor Haile-Sellassie more than 42 years ago. He envisioned seeing Ethiopia become the black power of not only the Horn of Africa ...